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OCA HCAI Workshop Monday January 27, 2010. Agenda 1. HCAI Remediation 2. HCAI Rollout 3. HCAI Registration (and enrolment requirement dates) 4. Demonstration.

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Presentation on theme: "OCA HCAI Workshop Monday January 27, 2010. Agenda 1. HCAI Remediation 2. HCAI Rollout 3. HCAI Registration (and enrolment requirement dates) 4. Demonstration."— Presentation transcript:

1 OCA HCAI Workshop Monday January 27, 2010

2 Agenda 1. HCAI Remediation 2. HCAI Rollout 3. HCAI Registration (and enrolment requirement dates) 4. Demonstration 5. Q & A

3 HCAI Remediation Goal: To reintroduce HCAI with capacity to handle user load and speed of transduction

4 HCAI Remediation Consultations Exploration of business impacts experienced by users Insurers Health Professionals and HCAI users Third Party Reviews Testing

5 HCAI Remediation Consultation Third party review commissioned Goal: to identify the elements which affected the behavior of the system relative to capacity. These will be the focus of the remediation process Testing

6 HCAI Remediation Consultation Third Party Review Testing 1.Professional testers at IBC Series of acceptance tests to provide additional layer of quality assurance, 2.Actual health care facility user testing throughout the month of August 3.Third-party reviews will be performed at several points between now and re-launch of the system

7 HCAI Remediation Consultation Third Party Review Testing  Test Results from insurance testers and health care testers were overwhelmingly positive

8 Full Rollout Enrolment March 2010 Pilot (voluntary) enrolment ends April 2010 Full rollout begins with assigned enrolment requirement dates Determination to be made by FSCO

9 Full Rollout If you have not enrolled voluntarily, a date will be assigned (list to be posted at by early March 2010) Tier 1 – Dates between Apr 19 and May 26 Top 500 electronic facilities based on previous volumes Tier 2 – Dates between June and Aug 2010 Next 1500 electronic facilities Tier 3 – Dates between Sept and Nov 2010

10 How to Register:

11 HCAI Education Regular updates are provided at Bookmark this site Tell you other users about this site Educational outreach will continue to be performed by Viivi Riis (Sr. Health Analyst) for the Health Care Industry; and Allison Brand (Sr. Business Advisor) for Insurers

12 Questions?

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