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Ch.5 Beginnings of Western Art Ancient Egypt. Our best idea of what times were like in ancient Egypt is by studying their artwork. The earliest paintings.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch.5 Beginnings of Western Art Ancient Egypt. Our best idea of what times were like in ancient Egypt is by studying their artwork. The earliest paintings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch.5 Beginnings of Western Art Ancient Egypt

2 Our best idea of what times were like in ancient Egypt is by studying their artwork. The earliest paintings were done in caves in Africa, Europe, and Asia Power and Animals

3 Sumerians They were a people who built huge temples called ziggurats.

4 Artists in Egypt Artists in Egypt were highly skilled in painting and carving human and animal forms

5 Egyptian Tombs Egyptians strived for stability, purpose, and power. Near the Nile River, huge monuments and tombs were built to fill with art and last forever. Many are still around today. Their civilization didn’t last long, but their art tells us a story about their culture.

6 King Tutankhamen 1341-23 B.C. Ruled for 9 short years and died at 19.

7 Buried with Jewels Discovered in 1922, is now in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.


9 Kind Tut’s popularity Most intact tomb ever found Was treated like a God since childhood.

10 King Tut’s Ornaments The Cobra on his headdress represents the serpent that would help him in the underworld. The holes in his ears were for earrings of fashion back then. The golden buckle represents the warrior coming back from battle The Crook and Flail were held in ceremony.

11 Funerals Most elaborately decorated funerals ever in history. They believed that they could not reign in the afterlife without their bodies staying intact, so they preserved them really well. Sometimes a wooden replica could take the place of a real body if the body was missing. Most important religious ceremony.

12 Royal Tombs In 1900, 33 royal tombs had been discovered, all were robbed of their jewels and artwork, until King Tut was found. Said to be a curse to be the first one to discover a tomb, the bodies were always hidden really well and down long secret passageways.

13 King Tut’s tomb When Carter found Tut’s tomb in 1922, there was evidence of robbers trying to enter, but they were not successful. Tut’s tomb was full of Gold, treasures of all sorts, carvings, art, thrones. The door to Tut’s body was solid Gold and there were 3 mummy shaped coffins. Carter was never cursed, though his buddy died from a disease given to him from a mosquito 5 months later.











24 Queen Nefertiti 1360 B.C.

25 Queen Nefertiti Considered to be the most beautiful Woman of Goddess like features. Her and her Husband had the idea to worship only ONE God, and the people liked that. She was made famous by this work of art called a Bust of her head and shoulders. She may have ruled for a little while after her husband passed.

26 Queen Nefertiti Her mummy has not been found. Artists loved to carve and sculpt her beauty, she was considered the most beautiful woman in the world. A celebrity of her time. If it weren’t for this statue, we would not know about her.

27 Related to King Tut? Found in 1912 Could be Tut’s Mother, or Wife. There was an older woman and a young lady mummy found but not claimed. The bust is made of Limestone, the eyes of beeswax and quartz, didn’t stay preserved.

28 Queen Nefertiti The bust was made by a man named Thutmose. This Sculpture was found in his workshop. Her name means “the beauty has come” She went by other names like, ”Sweet of Love,” “Lady of All Women,” and “Lady of Grace” Second most famous Queen in Egyptian history after Cleopatra.

29 Making King Tut’s Headress




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