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Modified & Track 4 Teachers Southeast Raleigh High School July 22nd, 2015 Office of School Performance Healthful Living Kickoff Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Modified & Track 4 Teachers Southeast Raleigh High School July 22nd, 2015 Office of School Performance Healthful Living Kickoff Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modified & Track 4 Teachers Southeast Raleigh High School July 22nd, 2015 Office of School Performance Healthful Living Kickoff Meeting

2 District-Wide Healthful Living Communication WCPSS Healthful Living Wiki

3 This Year’s WCPSS Healthful Living Areas of Focus 2 – Analysis of Student Work (Teacher Evaluation Standard 6) 1 – Student Fitness

4 Fitness Scoring Data – WCPSS Predictions What do you think the best score in the district was for the following… Pacer 163 Mile 5:14 Sit and Reach Right 50 Curl Ups in 60 431 Curl Ups on a Cadence 201 Push Ups in 60 4522 Push Ups on a Cadence 3220

5 Focus for our Activity We will take a look at our assessments to see what works and what can be improved for use in your classrooms. This year, schools who choose to participate using the parameters of implementation for fitness testing will have the opportunity to be recognized for the WCPSS Healthy Heart Award. One Elementary, One Middle and One High School will be recognized for each of two categories: 1. Overall growth in cardiovascular fitness from pre to post assessment. 2. Overall proficiency in cardiovascular fitness as measured by post assessment information.

6 Activity – Fitness Scoring Go to one of the identified areas of the classroom and create a group of no more than 6. Count off from 1 to 6 Each group member will silently read and take notes on one of the assessment descriptions. (1 – Pacer & Mile, 2 – Sit and Reach, 3 – Curl Ups in 60, 4 – Curl Ups on Cadence, 5 – Push Ups in 60, 6 – Push Ups on Cadence. Group members will have one minute to describe how to administer the assessment which they read about. Others in the group will take notes and record questions, comments or improvements that can be made to the assessment. Each group will take 3 minutes to discuss questions, comments or improvements on any of the 5 assessments. The group member who read about the Pacer (member #1) assessment will share their group’s questions, comments or improvements with the large group.

7 Activity – Fitness Scoring Group Questions, Comments, Improvements Pacer - Mile - Sit and Reach - Curl Ups in 60 - Curl Ups on a Cadence - Push Ups in 60 - Push Ups on a Cadence -

8 ASW – A Review of The Steps Step 1 – You login to the ASW Platform to approve your class schedule. Step 2 – Your principal OR assistant principal logs on to approve your schedule. Step 3 – The online platform selects classes from your approved list. Step 4 – You select objectives for each class on the list. Step 5 – Your principal logs in and approves the objectives. Step 6 – You collect Pre/Post information for EVERY student in your class based on the objective you’ve selected for that class. Step 7 – The platform will select 3 students from the group. You will pull the pre/post info for each student and upload it into the system. Step 8 – You receive a score of meets/exceeds or does not meet standard for the submission.

9 ASW – Prep for ’15-’16 Elementary Step 1 – Use the Healthful Living Guidance Chart sheet to identify which standard you would like to assess for each grade level that you teach. Step 2 – Go to the (or one of the) grade level group(s) for which you selected MS (Motor Skills). (Example – If you selected Motor Skills for your Kindergarten group, go to the Kindergarten area.) Step 3 – Silently complete the first Objective Choice/Assessment Worksheet for your Motor Skills selection. Step 4 – Discuss assessments you plan to complete in the MS standard with your group. It is ok if you don’t have one right now, the purpose is to brainstorm/discuss ideas. For ideas, you can go to the ASW area on the Healthful Living Wiki ( Repeat for… Step 5 – MC – Complete Objective Choice/Assessment Worksheet 2 Step 6 – HF - Complete Objective Choice/Assessment Worksheet 3 Step 7 – PR - Complete Objective Choice/Assessment Worksheet 4 Step 8 – Go to the K-2 or 3-5 MS, MC, HF or PR area to complete Worksheet 5 and discuss.

10 ASW – Prep for ’15-’16 Middle Step 1 – Use the Healthful Living Guidance Chart sheet to identify which standard you would like to assess for each grade level that you teach. Step 2 – Go to the grade level group for which you selected MS or MC (Motor Skills or Movement Concepts). (Example – If you selected Motor Skills/Movement Concepts for your 6 th grade group, go to the 6 th grade area.) Step 3 – Silently complete the first Objective Choice/Assessment Worksheet for your Motor Skills selection. Step 4 – Discuss assessments you plan to complete in the MS standard with your group. It is ok if you don’t have one right now, the purpose is to brainstorm/discuss ideas. For ideas, you can go to the ASW area on the Healthful Living Wiki ( Repeat for… Step 5 - HF/PR - Complete Objective Choice/Assessment Worksheet 2 Step 6 - MEH/NPA/ATOD - Complete Objective Choice/Assessment Worksheet 3 Step 7 - PCH/ICR - Complete Objective Choice/Assessment Worksheet 4 Step 8 – The gym will have different areas for each standard. Go to the STANDARD area that you would like to brainstorm another assessment for and complete Worksheet 5.

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