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3 ELIs for base acts User need« Give me the law as it was published » IdentifiesA base act as published in the Official Journal ELI template/eli/{typedoc}/{year}/{natural_number}/oj Exemples eli/dir/2000/31/oj eli/dir/2000/31 eli/dir/2011/83/oj eli/dir/2011/83 eli/dir/2009/21/oj eli/dir/2009/21 ReturnsThe base act. A root uri ( followed by the type of document, year and natural number, and terminated by “/oj”

4 ELIs for consolidated versions (or point-in-time access) User need« Give me the law as it was at a given point-in-time » Identifies If point-in-time is the date of publication of the consolidated version, this ELI is the identifier for that consolidated version. If point-in-time is any other date, then it is not a canonical identifier. ELI template/eli/{typedoc}/{year}/{natural_number}/{point-in-time} Exemples eli/dir/1980/181/2009-05-27 (canonical one) eli/dir/1980/181/2000-01-01 (point-in-time alias) Returns The latest consolidated version at given date, or the base act if no consolidated version exists, plus the not-yet- integrated corrigenda and modifiers (if any) at the given date. Same URI (typedoc, year, natural_number) terminated by a point-in-time of the form yyyy-mm-dd instead of “/oj”

5 ELIs for corrigenda User needDoesn’t really correspond to a user need Identifies The corrigenda correcting the given resource, and published in the OJ at the given date ELI template /eli/{typedoc}/{year}/{natural_number}/corrigendum/{ pub_date}/oj Exemples eli/dir/2009/3/corrigendum/2009-10-24/oj eli/dir/1989/617/corrigendum/2007-08-23/oj Returns The corrigenda correcting the given resource, and published in the OJ at the given date. Same URI (typedoc, year, natural_number), followed by “/corrigendum” instead of “/oj”, followed by the publication date of the corrigenda and with a final “/oj”.

6 ELIs for Legal Expressions User need« I need to see a document in a given language » Identifies A specific expression of a text in a given language (with specific title in that language) ELI template /eli/{typedoc}/{year}/{natural_number} : …/oj/{lang} …/{point-in-time}/{lang} …/corrigendum/{pub_date}/oj/{lang} Exemples eli/dir/2000/31/oj/fra eli/dir/2009/21/2014-01-01/fra eli/dir/1999/103/corrigendum/2000-04-29/oj/eng Returns View of the notice in the corresponding language (in Eur- Lex, language tab preselected) The URI of legal resource (base act, consolidated version or corrigenda), followed by a language code.

7 ELIs for Formats User need« I need to get access to a document in a specific format » IdentifiesThe format of a specific document ELI template /eli/{typedoc}/{year}/{natural_number} : …/oj/{lang}/{format} …/{point-in-time}/{lang}/{format} …/corrigendum/{pub_date}/oj/{lang}/{format} Exemples eli/dir/2000/31/oj/fra/pdf eli/dir/2009/21/2014-01-01/fra/xhtml eli/dir/1999/103/corrigendum/2000-04-29/oj/eng/html ReturnsThe corresponding PDF, HTML, … document The URI of a Legal Expression, followed by a format

8 ELIs for Abstract Legal Resources User need« Give me the law (as it is today) » Identifies The abstract Legal Resource (= the resource independently of its temporal version, language, format, etc.) ELI template/eli/{typedoc}/{year}/{natural_number} Exemples eli/dir/2000/31 eli/dir/2011/83 eli/dir/2009/21 Returns The latest consolidated version, or the base act if no consolidated version exists, plus the not-yet-integrated corrigenda and modifiers (if any). A root uri ( followed by the type of document, year and natural number.

9 ELIs for Legal Expression – shortcut User need « I need to see the latest state of that law in that language » IdentifiesThis is not an identifier ELI template/eli/{typedoc}/{year}/{natural_number}/{lang} Exemples eli/dir/2000/31/fra Returns The latest consolidated version, or the base act, displayed in the given language. If not-yet-incorporated corrigenda/modifiers exists in the given language, they should be listed too. The URI of the legal resource (typedoc, year, natural_number) followed by a language code.

10 ELIs for Formats – shortcut User need « I need to get access to the PDF version of the current state of the law, in a given language » IdentifiesThis is not an identifier ELI template/eli/{typedoc}/{year}/{natural_number} /{lang}/{format} Exemples eli/dir/2000/31/fra/pdf eli/dir/1999/103/eng/html Returns The corresponding PDF, HTML, version of the latest consolidated version, or the base act, of the requested law. The URI of the abstract legal resource (typedoc, year, natural_number) followed by a language code and format

11 ELIS FOR SUBELEMENTS (ARTICLES) Office of Publications ELI patterns

12 ELIs for subelements User need« Show me an exact portion of the text » IdentifiesA specific part of a text ELI template Work-level : /eli/{typedoc}/{year}/{natural_number}/{subelement} /eli/{typedoc}/{year}/{natural_number}/{subelement}/oj /eli/{typedoc}/{year}/{natural_number} /{subelement}/{point-in-time} Expression-level : /eli/{typedoc}/{year}/{natural_number}/{subelement}/{lang} … Format-level : /eli/{typedoc}/{year}/{natural_number}/{subelement}/{lang}/{format} … Exemples eli/dir/2009/21/art_3/par_1 eli/dir/2009/21/art_3/par_1/oj eli/dir/2009/21/art_3/par_1/2015-04-01 Returns For the moment, will give the same result as the ELI without the {subelement} component. ELIs defined above can be extended with a {subelement} component to identify a precise portion of the text. The {subelement} comes after the typedoc, year and natural number.

13 {subelement} component The {subelement} component is a hierarchical list of {subdivision}. Each {subdivision} is of the form {sub_code}_{number} alnalinea anxannex appappendix artarticle citcitation cptchapter idtindent parparagraph pntpoint rctrecital rulrule hyphyphen clsclause sctsection pblpreamble tittitle prtpart

14 « SEARCH » ELIS Office of Publications ELI patterns

15 ELIs for “everything about a law” User need« Give me the list of texts in the « life » of that law » IdentifiesThis is not an identifier ELI template/eli/{typedoc}/{year}/{natural_number}/all Exemples eli/dir/2009/3/all eli/1980/181/all Returns A list containing : base act all of its consolidated versions all of its corrigenda all of its modifiers The URI of the abstract legal resource, followed by “/all”

16 Partial ELIs User needdepends IdentifiesThis is not an identifier ELI template « I want the list of all documents of a given type » /eli/{typedoc} and /eli/{typedoc} /oj « I want the list of all documents of a given type published a given year » /eli/{typedoc}/{year} and /eli/{typedoc}/{year}/oj « I want the corrigenda of a given text » /eli/{typedoc}/{year}/{natural_number}/corrigendum « I want the corrigenda of a given text published a given day » /eli/{typedoc}/{year}/{natural_number}/corrigendum/{pub_date} Exemples eli/reg eli/reg/1980 Returns A list of results, excluding consolidated versions, and including corrigenda for patterns /eli/{typedoc}/oj and /eli/{typedoc}/{year}/oj Only the beginning of other ELIs

17 Other ELI patterns User need List resources with certain criterias Identifies This is not an identifier ELI template « I want… » « …the list of all documents of a given year » /eli/{year} and /eli/{year}/oj « …the list of all documents of a given year, in a given lang » /eli/{year}/oj/{lang} « …the list of all documents of a given year and type » /eli/{year}/{natural_number} « …all the corrigenda » /eli/corrigendum « …all the corrigenda of a base text published in a given year » /eli/{year}/corrigendum « …all the corrigenda published in a given year » /eli/corrigendum/{year} « …the corrigenda of a text only in a given language» /eli/{typedoc}/{year}/{natural_number}/corrigendum/{lang} Returns A list of results, excluding consolidated versions, and including corrigenda for patterns /eli/{year}/oj Other ELI patterns not corresponding to the beginning of existing identifiers, used to search on different criterias

18 EDGE CASES Office of Publications ELI patterns

19 International agreements have no year / natural_number Problem International treaties cannot be uniquely identified using typedoc/year/natural_number Solution For international agreements, use the {year} and {natural_number} of the decision to which the agreement is associated. ELI/eli/{typedoc}/{year}/{natural_number} Exempleseli/agree_internation/1974/654/oj ReturnsSame behavior as with other ELIs

20 Natural number is unique… 99.5 % of the case Problem 2 or more legislation of the same type are published the same year… with the same number. This cannot happen since 01/01/2015 Solution Natural_number will include a sequence number in that case ELI/eli/{typedoc}/{year}/{natural_number}({seqnumber}) Exemples eli/dec/2014/445/oj eli/dec/2014/445(1)/oj Returns If seqnumber is not given in ELI, then return the list of the possible corresponding documents

21 Only one corrigenda corrects a given text in an OJ issue… 99% of the case Problem Some OJ issues are publishing on the same day two or more corrigenda correcting the same base text. So the date of publication is not sufficient to identify them. SolutionIf this is the case, redirect to the Legal Expression level ELI /eli/{typedoc}/{year}/{natural_number}/corrigendum/{p ub_date}/{seqnumber}/oj Exemples Returns If seqnumber was not given by the user (while there was an ambiguity), then the list of all corrigenda correcting the same text and published on the same day must be returned.

22 A text has only one document in each format… most of the time Problem Some texts have 2 files for a given format : one containing the act itself, the other containing the annexes Solution When this is the case, return a list of the possible documents in an HTML page ELIFormat ELI : …/{format} Exempleseli/dec/2011/318(2)/fra/xhtml ReturnsA list of the possible documents in an HTML page

23 Point-in-time access can return a list of document Problem When specifying a point-in-time, or when accessing the abstract legal resource there is 2 behaviors : 1.If there are no pending corrigenda/modifiers, user is redirected to the latest consolidated version or base act; 2.If there are pending corrigenda/modifiers, they should be listed along with latest consolidated version or base act. SolutionReturn a list ELI /eli/{typedoc}/{year}/{natural_number}/{lang} /eli/{typedoc}/{year}/{natural_number}/{lang}/{format} Exemples ReturnsEither a list or redirect to the page

24 THANK YOU ! QUESTIONS ? Thomas Francart


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