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AS History Unit 2: Life in Nazi Germany 1933-1945.

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1 AS History Unit 2: Life in Nazi Germany 1933-1945

2 expectations Bring lesson notes to class Keep organised notes Homework/reading prep to be completed and bought to the lesson You might consider buying the exam board book

3 Unit 2 – understanding of change over a short period studied in depth Source based unit Sit one written paper – 1 hour 30 minutes 50% of your total AS marks 25% of your total A level mark

4 Unit 2: Life in Nazi Germany 1933-1945 Topics: 1) The Nazi Consolidation of Power (1933-1934) 2) Nazi propaganda and Mass Indoctrination 3) Nazi Organisation and the co- ordination of German Society 4) The impact of war on the German people (1939-1945)

5 30 th January 1933

6 3 key questions 1.Why did Hitler come to power? 2.How did Hitler come to power? 3.Why did people vote for the Nazis/who voted for the Nazis? The answers to these key questions should form the basis of your background knowledge for this unit. You should have some idea based on your GCSE studies

7 How and why did Hitler become Chancellor of Germany in January 1933? Nazi party founded by Anton Drexler in 1919 as the German Workers’ Party In 1920 assumed the name National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) (NSDAP) or Nazi Party for short Throughout the 20s they were a fringe party preaching about the reversal of the Treaty of Versailles, hatred of Communists and Jews, the need for Lebensraum and a social revolution In 1923 they attempted to overthrow the Weimer Republic (Munich Putsch) but failed miserably and Hitler ended up in prison where he wrote Mein Kampf After this the party attempts to follow a more ‘legal’ approach, using elections In the 1928 election the NSDAP polled only 2.6% vote

8 Reich minister for the Interior commented in 1927: That the Nazis were: ‘a numerically insignificant…radical revolutionary splinter group incapable of exerting any noticeable influence on the great masses of the population and the course of political events.’

9 5 years later 1932 – 37.3% of seats in the Reichstag 30 th January 1933 Hitler is offered the position of Chancellor of Germany Hitler was to head up a Nazi- nationalist coalition government In which there would be 2 other Nazis (Frick and Goring) in a cabinet of 12 Why did this happen?

10 Why did the Nazis come to power in January 1933? Economic Collapse Nazi Organisation and tactics Failure of Weimar Republic Fear of Communism Use p.2-8 of your Layton textbook to complete the spider diagram Ext. Task – can you create any links between the causes? Which do you think was most significant in bringing the Nazis to power?

11 Why did the Nazis come to power in January 1933? Economic Collapse Wall Street Crash 1929 Depression 1930 What impact did this have on the Weimer Republic? Nazi Organisation and tactics Methods Hitler’s character Failure of Weimar Republic WWI and Treaty of Versailles Hostility of German elites Limited base of support Fear of Communism

12 Homework Print the course welcome pack off moodle and read through it (password: Nazigermany1)

13 Podcasts Set Weimar Germany podcasts as an early homework? They summarise some notes with prompt questions pods pods

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