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T HE E LECTROMAGNETI C S PECTRUM. Visible light is a type of wave called electromagnetic waves. Many types of electromagnetic waves make up the electromagnetic.

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2 Visible light is a type of wave called electromagnetic waves. Many types of electromagnetic waves make up the electromagnetic spectrum. Waves of “High Energy” can damage your cells. Short Wavelength


4 R ADIO W AVES Longest wavelength, lowest frequency.

5 M ICROWAVES Used by many cell phones and wireless devices to transmit information. Used in microwave ovens to heat food.

6 I NFRARED R ADIATION The energy we lose as heat leaves our bodies by infrared radiation.

7 V ISIBLE L IGHT ROY G BIV Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet

8 U LTRAVIOLET (UV) Part of Sunlight Can Cause DNA damage which may lead to cancer. Melanin is the pigment that makes you look tan and is produced by your skin to try and reflect UV rays Sunscreen can block UV rays. SPF tells you how powerful the protection is.

9 X R AYS Used in medicine Cannot travel through bones Continued exposure can damage DNA and lead to increased cancer rates.


11 G AMMA R AYS Radioactive Decay They WILL cause cancer by mutating your genes Used to treat and kill cancer cells. “Radiation” = Gamma Rays

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