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Pollution. Mozambique Nigeria Russia New Delhi.

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Presentation on theme: "Pollution. Mozambique Nigeria Russia New Delhi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pollution


3 Mozambique Nigeria Russia New Delhi

4 Mexico City Primary & Secondary Air Pollutants

5 Water Pollution

6 Waste Disposal

7 Sustainable Development The use of resources in such a way that ensures there will always be sufficient supplies for future generations

8 Garbage Warrior!! What to Do: –Form a group of 2-4 people –Brainstorm ideas of possible items you could recreate with recycled goods. Ex: A wallet made from recycled newspapers –CREATE!!!! –Present to the class and explain how your new product made from recycled goods helped the environment Group Reflection Questions –Describe the original object. What was it made of? –What is the new use of the products/materials? –How does your idea help the environment? Project marked out of 10 pts

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