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 ADHD PSYCHO- EDUCATIONAL & SUPPORT GROUP Jennah Beilgard & Kathy Stavropoulos.

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Presentation on theme: " ADHD PSYCHO- EDUCATIONAL & SUPPORT GROUP Jennah Beilgard & Kathy Stavropoulos."— Presentation transcript:

1  ADHD PSYCHO- EDUCATIONAL & SUPPORT GROUP Jennah Beilgard & Kathy Stavropoulos

2 Question:  What do you know about ADHD?

3 Definition & Background  Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder  A neural behavioral developmental disorder  Symptoms:  Difficulty focusing/inattention  Difficulty completing tasks, following instructions & processing information as quickly & accurately

4 Background Contin…  Three Subscales  Inattention  Easily distracted, focus on everything  Hyperactivity  Higher than normal energy, fidgety, restless, incessant talking  Impulsivity  Benign to Risky Behaviors

5 Background Contin…  Comorbidity:  Substance Abuse  Mood Disorders  Anxiety Disorders  Sleep Disorders Controversy Mis/over diagnosis, Stimulant Meds, Cultural considerations


7 Statistics  General Statistics  6% to 7% Children diagnosed  80% retain symptoms into adulthood  Most common psychiatric disorder diagnosed in children & adolescents  MU specific student profiles  In 2012/2013, 40 % of students registered with ODS had a diagnosis of ADD/ADHD

8 Treatment  Medication  Stimulants effective in 70 – 80%  Adderall, Concerta, Ritalin, Vyvanse  Lifestyle Alteration  Routines & Organizational Tools  Psychotherapy  CBT  Bio-Feedback

9 Purpose & Objectives  Supportive environment for students to share experiences & relate to one another  Teach coping skills for managing academics, work and personal relationships  Increase self-efficacy  Vocabulary  Early interventions prior to entering the workforce

10 Structure & Setting  1 Credit-Hour Course  Cross listed  Meets Sundays 2:00 to 3:30pm, once/week for 8 weeks  Closed Group  Memorial Union Conference Room  8 to 10 Participants plus two Co-Facilitators  Homogenous (Registered at ODS)

11 Advertising & Recruitment  MU Disability Services Listserv  Student Groups  MU Student Exceptions (MUSE)  Alpha Delta Pi (Honors Society)  Flyers

12 Screening Procedures  Explain  Confidentiality  Group Goals  Format  Syllabus  Benefits  Seeking Motivated Participants who would Benefit

13 Topics  Transitional Issues  Academic Concerns  Stigma  Disclosure  Strengths  Coping with Stress (Time Management)

14 Process  Unit #1: Introductions & Sharing in the Here-and-Now  Unit #2: Organization & Time Management  Units #’s 3 to 5: Bio-Feedback and Coping with Stress  Unit #6: Career Planning  Unit #7: Relationships  Unit #8: Termination and Evaluation

15 References  Golden, Beth R.; Corazzini, John G.; Grady, Patricia Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, Vol 24(2), May 1993, 228-230  Stevenson, C. S., Stevenson, R. J. and Whitmont, S. (2003), A self-directed psychosocial intervention with minimal therapist contact for adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Clin. Psychol. Psychother., 10: 93–101. doi: 10.1002/cpp.356

16 References Contin…  Huang-Pollock, Cynthia L.; Karalunas, Sarah L. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Working Memory Demands Impair Skill Acquisition in Children with ADHD, Vol 119(1), Feb 2010, 174-185.  Thompson, L & Thompson, M, Journal of Adult Development: Neurofeedback Intervention for Adults with ADHD, Vol (12), Aug 2005,

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