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Diagram Recognition  Tuan Van  Tony Vigil  Jack Herbert  Beau Crawford.

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Presentation on theme: "Diagram Recognition  Tuan Van  Tony Vigil  Jack Herbert  Beau Crawford."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diagram Recognition  Tuan Van  Tony Vigil  Jack Herbert  Beau Crawford

2 Presentation Outline Project Status Update Prototype Demo Limiting Assumptions Technical Challenges

3 Project Status Update Arrays Recognized well using our initial model Linked Lists Are recognized and drawn well

4 Project Status Update (cont) Trees Need to improve detection of node elements Connecting Data Structures Need to recognize multiple data structures

5 Prototype Demo

6 Prototype Demo (cont)

7 Limiting Assumptions Arrays: Data inside each cell must be fully contained within that cell and not inside another cell Currently, arrays must be drawn in a very non-common way – one cell at a time

8 Limiting Assumptions (L L) Nodes must be drawn in one stroke: This way:Not this way: Arrows which point to the next cell must be drawn: This way:Not this way:

9 Limiting Assumption (Trees) Edges must be drawn between the nodes they connect: This:Not this:

10 Enhancements Would like to add ability to draw arrays more traditionally: Would allow for various drawings:

11 Enhancements (cont) Allowing tree elements to be drawn in various orders:

12 Enhancements (cont) Allowing re-recognition after corrections are made Requires: no dependence on Stroke ID or erasing assigns next drawn stroke same ID

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