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S OVEREIGNTY. History Pre- WWII, earned Post-WWII, granted Sovereignty involves Diplomatic recognition Legitimate control Public support Internal organization.

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Presentation on theme: "S OVEREIGNTY. History Pre- WWII, earned Post-WWII, granted Sovereignty involves Diplomatic recognition Legitimate control Public support Internal organization."— Presentation transcript:


2 History Pre- WWII, earned Post-WWII, granted Sovereignty involves Diplomatic recognition Legitimate control Public support Internal organization Highest authority ¤

3 C HALLENGES : D IPLOMATIC R ECOGNITION Taiwan lost status East Timorese became state Palestinians are stateless Crimea annexed ¤

4 Maduro C HALLENGE : E NOUGH P UBLIC S UPPORT Difficulty maintaining control Syria Thailand Venezuela Ukraine

5 C HALLENGES : I NTERNAL O RGANIZATION -GS more challenged Less developed Less leverage w/ GN Diverse population Factions Lack of institutions ↑ possibility of violence for change Corruption Lack of infrastructure Public services Social welfare programs ¤

6 C HALLENGES : H IGHEST A UTHORITY Int’l issues State has final say Self-interested actor Form IGOs re: transnational issues IGOs’ effectiveness Pressure states to follow rules GN, EEs more leverage ¤

7 S OVEREIGNTY V. S PACE J UNK What is space junk?

8 S OVEREIGNTY V. S PACE J UNK Why is there concern? Debris Int’l Space Station Secure against anti-satellite weapons ¤

9 S OVEREIGNTY V. S PACE J UNK How does state sovereignty affect addressing the issue of space junk? Transnational issue Self-interested actors US, EU want non-binding policy Cooperation Who pays? Who enforces? Consequences Military threats Claim sovereign ownership ¤

10 U NITED N ATIONS (1945) Purpose- videovideo Transnational issues Self-determination US/SU push Decolonization ¤

11 UN S TRUCTURE UN General Assembly Secretary General UN Security Council 5 + 10 = 15 Saudi says no ¤



14 UN S ECURI T Y F ORCES Prevention Peacekeeping Neutral Peacemaking Armed troops Peacebuilding Rebuild UN Force Intervention Brigade (FIB) Strategic offensive DR Congo ¤ I800 C monitors

15 S OVEREIGNTY & UN M EMBERSHIP Advantages of membership Sovereignty Formal recognition No UN membership ≠ state 1 Exception Aid Trade Security Collective security ¤ ¾ size The Mall in Washington D.C.

16 S OVEREIGNTY R ECAP 4 Qualities Define State Definition Outdated GN states: Rely on system norms GS states: Not self-sufficient ¤

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