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Unit 4 Don’t eat in class. Section B (1a-1d). 1. Master new words: rule, arrive, be on time, hallway, hall, dining, listen, listen to, fight, sorry 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 4 Don’t eat in class. Section B (1a-1d). 1. Master new words: rule, arrive, be on time, hallway, hall, dining, listen, listen to, fight, sorry 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 4 Don’t eat in class. Section B (1a-1d)

2 1. Master new words: rule, arrive, be on time, hallway, hall, dining, listen, listen to, fight, sorry 2. Master the target language: 3. Train students’ listening and speaking skills.

3 Turn to Page 123-124, read the new words on Page 22 Self-study and show 要求会读、会拼

4 What can we do at school? What can’t we do? And what do we have to do? Talk about school rules. Study in groups 我知道! 我也会说!

5 Are there any rules at home? What can you do? What can’t you do? And what do you have to do? Make a list.

6 Let’s look at the rules of the Jones family.

7 FAMILY RULES Don’t talk loudly.

8 FAMILY RULES Don’t watch TV late at night.

9 FAMILY RULES Don’t eat in bed.

10 FAMILY RULES Clean the bedroom on Saturdays.

11 FAMILY RULES Don’t get up late on Sundays.

12 FAMILY RULES Don’t sing loudly at night.

13 Don’t go out on school nights. FAMILY RULES

14 Do your homework after school. FAMILY RULES

15 Practice the guitar every day. FAMILY RULES

16 Don’t watch TV after school. FAMILY RULES

17 Do you have any other family rules?

18 RulesCan’t (×)Have to/ Must (√) When ago out×on school nights see friends do his homework practice the guitar do the dishes watch TV help his mom make breakfast clean his room h c e b g d f 1a Read the rules in the chart in 1b. Then match the picture 〔 a-h 〕 with the rules. 成果展示

19 1b Listen and put an × for things Dave can’t do and a √for things he has to do. RulesCan’t (×) Have to/ Must (√) When ago out× on school nights see friends do his homework practice the guitar do the dishes watch TV help his mom make breakfast clean his room × × √ √ √ √ √

20 下面是 do 和名词搭配的几个例句: 1. Go and do your hair. 梳头 2. Do your teeth, please. 刷牙 3. Can you do the room now? 打扫房间 4. When is he coming to do the windows? 擦窗户 合作探究

21 1c Listen again. Write when Dave has to follow the rules in the chart in 1b. Choose from the phrases in the box. on school nights every Saturday before dinner in the evening on school days after dinner after school every morning 成果展示

22 RulesCan’t (×) Have to/ Must (√) When ago out× on school nights see friends do his homework practice the guitar do the dishes watch TV help his mom make breakfast clean his room on school days after class before dinner after dinner in the evening every morning every Saturday

23 1d Talk about the rules in Dave’s house. 巩固提高 1. 组内争优! 2. 组间 PK ! 3. 全班摘星 !

24 before dinner 饭前 before prep. & conj. 在 …… 之前 adv. 以前 before + 时间点 I’ll be free before 7 o’clock tomorrow. 我明天 7 点前会有空。 疑难点拨

25 1. 我觉得我家的约束太多了。 I think I have ________ ________ rules in my house. 2. 你认为你的英语课怎么样? What do you ________ ________ your English class? 3 .我们不能在教室里吃东西。 We can’t ________ in the _______________. 4. 音乐课上我们可以唱歌跳舞。 We ________ sing and dance ______ ________ class. 5. 我们可以在食堂吃饭。 We _________ eat in the school ___________ hall. Test 最快全对获优 too many think of eat classrooms can inmusic can dining

26 1. 听写 P22 面的单词 2. 抄写 Grammar 3. 预习 Section B 2a-2c

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