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Warm-up Why is the Neolithic Revolution considered a turning point? (Have your homework out on your desk, please!)

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up Why is the Neolithic Revolution considered a turning point? (Have your homework out on your desk, please!)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up Why is the Neolithic Revolution considered a turning point? (Have your homework out on your desk, please!)

2 Civilizations

3 Changes from Neolithic Revolution Neolithic Revolution – what was it? Changed economic and social life of humans Shift from hunting and gathering to farming and herding Nomadic Settlements

4 No More Subsistence Agriculture Subsistence Agriculture – growing just enough food for you and your family to survive day to day How would subsistence agriculture prevent humans from making their lives better?

5 Economic changes What do farmers need in order to be successful? Irrigation – people began to draw water further away from rivers so settlements could become bigger Farmers became more successful, created a surplus of food – Food led to free time to make crafts (pottery, woven cloth), do things that weren’t necessary for survival People began to specialize in different jobs

6 Social changes Social classes began to develop Often connected to specialized jobs – Wealthy class, labor class

7 What is a civilization? A civilization is a complex culture of people living together A civilization has these 5 characteristics: – 1. Advanced cities – 2. Specialized workers – 3. Complex institutions – 4. Record keeping – 5. Improved technology

8 Advanced Cities Not just a lot of people living together Center of trade for everyone living around it Goods and ideas exchanged – Cultural diffusion takes place here

9 Specialized Workers Instead of doing everything for themselves, workers focused on doing one thing really well for the whole community Artisans – skilled workers who specialize in handmade goods – How would a surplus of food allow for this to happen?

10 Complex Institutions Creation of religion, government, and economy – Leaders were chosen, rules were created for the civilization to live by – Why would having one government, religion, and economy be important for a civilization’s survival?

11 Record Keeping Writing systems Were initially created to document trades and collect taxes – Eventually religious documents and laws became written, as well Scribes – professional record keepers – Often the only people who knew how to write

12 Improved Technology Ability to apply knowledge to make daily life easier – Creating tools, for example Three big technological advancements – Ox-drawn plow – Irrigation system – Metal tools and weapons, instead of stone – The Bronze Age

13 Trade People who lived around villages came to exchange goods Barter system – no money involved, just trading goods – Also known as a traditional economy Sometimes scribes kept records of trades What’s the problem with a barter system?

14 Trade Activity In 5 groups, you will: – Barter with the other 4 groups to get the amount of goods you need – Each group needs: 500 lbs. of coal 600 lbs. of meat 120 gallons of fuel 50 loaves of bread 250 gallons of water 50 lbs. of steel

15 Trade activity All groups have a surplus of at least one good, and a shortage of another Your goal is to get the amount you need through barter One person in your group will act as a scribe and record the deals made with other groups

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