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Hunger Games Chapter 7 and 8 Vocabulary Slumber (Noun) Emaciated (Adj.) Arbitrarily (Adv.) Barter (Verb.) Inaccessible (Adj.) Linger (Verb) Gape (Verb)

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Presentation on theme: "Hunger Games Chapter 7 and 8 Vocabulary Slumber (Noun) Emaciated (Adj.) Arbitrarily (Adv.) Barter (Verb.) Inaccessible (Adj.) Linger (Verb) Gape (Verb)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hunger Games Chapter 7 and 8 Vocabulary Slumber (Noun) Emaciated (Adj.) Arbitrarily (Adv.) Barter (Verb.) Inaccessible (Adj.) Linger (Verb) Gape (Verb) Provoke (Verb) Pungent (Adj.) Pang (Noun)

2 Slumber A heavy sleep “My slumbers are filled with disturbing dreams.”

3 Emaciated Very thin especially from disease or starving “The face of the redheaded girl intertwines with gory images from earlier Hunger Games, with my mother withdrawn and unreachable, with Prim emaciated and terrified.”

4 Arbitrarily “I arbitrarily punch buttons on the control board and end up hopping from foot to foot as alternating jets of icy cold and steaming hot water assault me.” ■ Done in a random manner or order

5 Barter To exchange for goods or services without involving money Once I had something to barter with, things changed.

6 Inaccessible Only capable of being reached with great difficulty or not at all “Somehow the whole thing -- his skill, those inaccessible cakes, the praise of the camouflage expert -- annoys me.”

7 Linger To leave slowly and with hesitation “We linger in the dining room, unsure where else to go."

8 Gape To look with amazement “I brush past the gaping Avoxes who guard the elevators and hit the number twelve button with my fist.”

9 Provoke To provide the needed stimulus and cause a reaction “It's not like Peeta attacked the Gamemakers, but at least he was provoked, too."

10 Pungent Strong or sharp especially with smells “It was a Sunday in October, the air cool and pungent with dying things.”

11 Pang A sudden sharp feeling often associated with intense feelings or needs “A pang of longing shoots through my chest.”

12 Slumber Emaciated Arbitrarily Barter Inaccessible Linger Gape Provoke Pungent Pang Plot Characters Setting Conflict Hero Rebellion Antihero Protagonist Antagonist Dynamic Static

13 Barter

14 Linger

15 Arbitrarily

16 Emaciated

17 Provoke

18 Pungent

19 Gape

20 Pang

21 Inaccessible

22 Slumber

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