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(Unpacked) Standards to (Measurable) Objectives name the important characteristics of citizenship I will name (the thinking or doing verb) five (quantity.

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Presentation on theme: "(Unpacked) Standards to (Measurable) Objectives name the important characteristics of citizenship I will name (the thinking or doing verb) five (quantity."— Presentation transcript:

1 (Unpacked) Standards to (Measurable) Objectives name the important characteristics of citizenship I will name (the thinking or doing verb) five (quantity or quality for a rubric)important characteristics of citizenship in my citizenship journal (where or how) I will name five important characteristics of citizenship in my citizenship journal

2 (Unpacked) Standards to (Measurable) Objectives recognize that it is important for citizens to fulfill their public responsibilities recognize the value of community service I will write two paragraphs about the value of community service on my infographic I will work in a group to discuss issues, build consensus, and vote I will select leaders for my group by voting

3 (Unpacked) Standards to (Measurable) Objectives be able to exercise political participation by discussing public issues, building consensus, becoming involved in political parties and political campaigns, and voting I will work in a group to discuss issues, build consensus, and vote I will select leaders for my group

4 From (Unpacked) Standards to (Measurable) Outcomes and Assessments

5 know the important characteristics of citizenship recognize that it is important for citizens to fulfill their public responsibilities be able to exercise political participation by discussing public issues, building consensus, becoming involved in political parties and political campaigns, and voting be able to establish, explain, and apply criteria useful in evaluating rules and laws be able to establish, explain, and apply criteria useful in selecting political leaders recognize the value of community service; and be able to implement ways of solving problems and resolving conflict.

6 (Unpacked) Standards to (Measurable) Objectives be able to establish, explain, and apply criteria useful in evaluating rules and laws I will establish, explain, and apply criteria to three laws in discussions and in my journal I will evaluate three rules and laws in my journal entries and three in discussions

7 (Unpacked) Standards to (Measurable) Objectives be able to establish, explain, and apply criteria useful in selecting political leaders I will establish, explain, and apply three criteria for selecting leaders in discussions and in my journal I will work in a group to discuss issues, build consensus, and vote I will select leaders for my group by voting

8 (Unpacked) Standards to (Measurable) Objectives be able to implement ways of solving problems and resolving conflict. I will solve problems and resolve conflicts that arise during the project in my group

9 (Measurable outcomes) Assessments I will name five important characteristics of citizenship in my citizenship journal I will write two paragraphs about the value of community service on my infographic I will work in a group to discuss issues, build consensus, and vote I will select leaders for my group I will establish, explain, and apply criteria to three laws in discussions and in my journal I will evaluate three rules and laws in my journal entries and three in discussions I will solve problems and resolve conflicts that arise during the project in my group

10 Alaska Standard: A student should have the knowledge and skills necessary to participate effectively as an informed and responsible citizen. Objective(s): I will know the important characteristics of citizenship I will discuss issues, build consensus and vote I will establish, explain, and apply criteria I will evaluate rules and laws I will select leaders I will recognize the value of community service I will solve problems Student Assessment: I will name five important characteristics of citizenship in my citizenship journal I will write two paragraphs about the value of community service on my infographic I will work in a group to discuss issues, build consensus, and vote I will select leaders for my group I will establish, explain, and apply criteria to three laws in discussions and in my journal I will evaluate three rules and laws in my journal entries and three in discussions I will solve problems and resolve conflicts that arise during the project in my group STAGE ONE : STAGE TWO:

11 Alaska Standard: A student should have the knowledge and skills necessary to participate effectively as an informed and responsible citizen. Objective(s): I will know the important characteristics of citizenship I will discuss issues, build consensus and vote I will establish, explain, and apply criteria I will evaluate rules and laws I will select leaders I will recognize the value of community service I will solve problems STAGE ONE : Due Friday 9 am 9/27 Standard(s) and Stage One on the lesson design template

12 Alaska Standard: A student should have the knowledge and skills necessary to participate effectively as an informed and responsible citizen. Objective(s): I will know the important characteristics of citizenship I will discuss issues, build consensus and vote I will establish, explain, and apply criteria I will evaluate rules and laws I will select leaders I will recognize the value of community service I will solve problems Student Assessment: I will name five important characteristics of citizenship in my citizenship journal I will write two paragraphs about the value of community service on my infographic I will work in a group to discuss issues, build consensus, and vote I will select leaders for my group I will establish, explain, and apply criteria to three laws in discussions and in my journal I will evaluate three rules and laws in my journal entries and three in discussions I will solve problems and resolve conflicts that arise during the project in my group STAGE ONE : STAGE TWO: Due Friday 9 am 10/4 Standard(s), Stage One and Stage Two on the lesson design template

13 No class meeting next week Submit your work by 9 am any weekday, and I will get feedback to you the same day. Please do not send emails. I check every weekday morning.

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