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Perspectives of Morality Secular vs. Religious vs. Catholic.

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Presentation on theme: "Perspectives of Morality Secular vs. Religious vs. Catholic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Perspectives of Morality Secular vs. Religious vs. Catholic

2 Perspectives of Morality Secular vs. Religious ► Viewpt— human/scientific ► Start/end pt– me/death ► Goal—me/society to be perfect ► Focus- self-centered ► Law/model-socially acceptable/feels good ► Viewpt—human/divine reality ► Start/end pt– God ► Goal—Kingdom of God ► Focus—other-centered ► Law/model-Jesus—to love

3 Start/end point of religious perspective

4 Catholic Morality cf pg 7 ► Viewpt—human and divine ► Start/end point—God ► Goal—Kingdom of God ► Focus—other-centered through active participation in faith life of Church ► Law /model—Jesus, Holy Spirit and Magisterium of the Church ► Good for God’s sake

5 Catholic Morality ► Has as its role model/law Jesus ► Has three interconnected concepts ► Dignity—created to be religious, made in the image and likeness of God ► Grace- Sanctifying and actual ► Vocation—called to be co-creators with God ► ( stewardship)

6 Moral, non-moral, amoral, immoral Moral—positive, promotes human welfare Non-moral- neutral, neither harms nor hurts, nor promotes or helps. Amoral – no sense of right or wrong, insensitive to moral effects of actions Immoral—harmful, destructive

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