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Military Handbook INTRODUCTION Understanding and Intervening with Military Personnel and Their Families.

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Presentation on theme: "Military Handbook INTRODUCTION Understanding and Intervening with Military Personnel and Their Families."— Presentation transcript:

1 Military Handbook INTRODUCTION Understanding and Intervening with Military Personnel and Their Families

2 History With each new war, the value of military social workers became increasingly appreciated, and they have been increasingly employed by all of the branches of the armed forces.

3 Current Military Social Work Roles  All levels of practice  Uniformed and civilian  Vast range of services provided  Wide range of problems addressed  All levels of practice  Uniformed and civilian  Vast range of services provided  Wide range of problems addressed

4 Unprecedented Problems in the Global War on Terror  Widespread TBI  Lack of a defined frontline  Growing prevalence of PTSD  Greater ratio of survival from devastating injuries  Polytraumatic injuries  More suicide attempts and completions  Multiple deployments  Widespread TBI  Lack of a defined frontline  Growing prevalence of PTSD  Greater ratio of survival from devastating injuries  Polytraumatic injuries  More suicide attempts and completions  Multiple deployments

5 Impact of Multiple Deployments on Military Families  High prevalence of spousal mental health disorders and child psychological problems  Increased domestic violence  High rate of spousal unemployment  Impact of frequent geographical moves:  Employment difficulties  School transfers and worse academic performance  Mortgage foreclosures  More credit card debt and predatory lending  High prevalence of spousal mental health disorders and child psychological problems  Increased domestic violence  High rate of spousal unemployment  Impact of frequent geographical moves:  Employment difficulties  School transfers and worse academic performance  Mortgage foreclosures  More credit card debt and predatory lending

6 Lingering Burden After Retirement  Loss of extreme sense of bonding and camaraderie  Seeking to re-experience adrenalin rush, leading to:  Pathological risk taking (substance abuse, other addictions)  More adaptive redirection (cave diving, etc.)  Shame and guilt (deaths of civilians)  Survivor guilt from fallen comrades  Loss of extreme sense of bonding and camaraderie  Seeking to re-experience adrenalin rush, leading to:  Pathological risk taking (substance abuse, other addictions)  More adaptive redirection (cave diving, etc.)  Shame and guilt (deaths of civilians)  Survivor guilt from fallen comrades

7 Resulting Problems Upon Returning to Civilian Life  Interpersonal estrangement and detachment  Reduced libido and changes in sexual activity  Desire to re-enlist (exacerbated by unemployment and hefty re-enlistment bonuses)  Changing family roles and adaptation  Interpersonal estrangement and detachment  Reduced libido and changes in sexual activity  Desire to re-enlist (exacerbated by unemployment and hefty re-enlistment bonuses)  Changing family roles and adaptation

8 Implication for Social Workers of Vast Numbers of Service Members Returning at Roughly the Same Point in Time  Greater reliance on civilian social workers to provide services  No longer sufficient to just refer them all to the VA  Social workers as advocates  Greater reliance on civilian social workers to provide services  No longer sufficient to just refer them all to the VA  Social workers as advocates

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