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How Do We Experience Daily Living Through Our Senses? By: Judith, Rosa, Engelica, Peter, and Cynthia.

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Presentation on theme: "How Do We Experience Daily Living Through Our Senses? By: Judith, Rosa, Engelica, Peter, and Cynthia."— Presentation transcript:

1 How Do We Experience Daily Living Through Our Senses? By: Judith, Rosa, Engelica, Peter, and Cynthia

2 The Sense of Sight By: Peter Geraci

3 The Sense of Sight - Vision  The sense of sight works through the eyes. The eyes are like a human camera.  The eyes, like a camera, has a lens, an adjustable opening called the pupil, a dark chamber, and a screen, called the retina.  It constantly adjusts itself to take and develop an endless stream of pictures at an amazing speed that is too fast for anyone to imagine.  The eyes report the size, shape, color, position, and movement of objects.  The sense of sight works through the eyes. The eyes are like a human camera.  The eyes, like a camera, has a lens, an adjustable opening called the pupil, a dark chamber, and a screen, called the retina.  It constantly adjusts itself to take and develop an endless stream of pictures at an amazing speed that is too fast for anyone to imagine.  The eyes report the size, shape, color, position, and movement of objects.

4 Parts of the Eye  The eye is remarkable for its ability to take countless pictures at various distances in rapid succession, and like a camera, it records its image upside down. However, the brain corrects this to make the image right side up.

5 The Brain and Vision  In the back of the eyeball, when light passes through the pupil, there is a thin layer of rods and cone cells that make up the retina.  The retina also contains nerve cells that signal messages to the optic nerve when hit with light.  The optic nerve then transmits the message to the brain, which allows you to see the image your eyes are perceiving.  Due to the fact that the eyes are a small distance apart, the report slightly different images.  In the back of the eyeball, when light passes through the pupil, there is a thin layer of rods and cone cells that make up the retina.  The retina also contains nerve cells that signal messages to the optic nerve when hit with light.  The optic nerve then transmits the message to the brain, which allows you to see the image your eyes are perceiving.  Due to the fact that the eyes are a small distance apart, the report slightly different images.

6 Rods and Cones  Rods and cones seem to function in the same way. Both have a special pigment or color at their tips.  Cones react to color and bright light. This is the reason why we cannot see colors when the light is poor.  Rods work well in dim light. That is why we are able to see a little at night.  Rods and cones seem to function in the same way. Both have a special pigment or color at their tips.  Cones react to color and bright light. This is the reason why we cannot see colors when the light is poor.  Rods work well in dim light. That is why we are able to see a little at night.

7 Vision Conclusion  As we can see, the sense of sight is a remarkable and very important sense.  Without our eyes, we would not be able to see all the beauty the world has to offer.  Our eyes are our windows to the world. Through them, you learn everything you need to know. Our eyes through the sense of sight, enhance the other senses and allow us to appreciate all that there is around us.  As we can see, the sense of sight is a remarkable and very important sense.  Without our eyes, we would not be able to see all the beauty the world has to offer.  Our eyes are our windows to the world. Through them, you learn everything you need to know. Our eyes through the sense of sight, enhance the other senses and allow us to appreciate all that there is around us.

8 Our sense of Smell By: Rosa Murria

9 Our Sense of Smell  Women are born better smellers than men and remain better smellers over life.  Green apple and cucumber scents create the impression of a larger space while the scent of roasted meat creates the impression of a smaller space.  The smell of lavender can help with insomnia and sleep disorders.  Women are born better smellers than men and remain better smellers over life.  Green apple and cucumber scents create the impression of a larger space while the scent of roasted meat creates the impression of a smaller space.  The smell of lavender can help with insomnia and sleep disorders.

10  In recent study men thought that women were 12 pounds lighter than their actual weight while wearing The lily of the valley scent.  75% of taste is smell  Smell cells are renewed every 28 days so every month you get a new nose  In recent study men thought that women were 12 pounds lighter than their actual weight while wearing The lily of the valley scent.  75% of taste is smell  Smell cells are renewed every 28 days so every month you get a new nose

11  Smells an alter and influence our moods and behaviors.  Your sense of smell is least in the morning, our ability to perceive odors increases as the day goes on.  Our sense of smell is more connected to emotion than any other sense.  Smells an alter and influence our moods and behaviors.  Your sense of smell is least in the morning, our ability to perceive odors increases as the day goes on.  Our sense of smell is more connected to emotion than any other sense.

12 Our Sense of Hearing By: Engelica Faustin

13 Hearing  The outer ear is the external portion of the ear.  It consist of the pinna,cochlea, and the auditory meatus.  It gathers sound energy and focuses it on the eardrum.  The pinna is the visible part of the ear.  The outer ear is the external portion of the ear.  It consist of the pinna,cochlea, and the auditory meatus.  It gathers sound energy and focuses it on the eardrum.  The pinna is the visible part of the ear.

14 Our Sense of Taste By: Judith Torres

15 Taste  We have 5 main types of taste. Salty, Sweet, Bitter, Sour, and Umami.  Umami is a new type of taste. It is found in protein-rich foods. Such as cheese and soy sause.  Our mouths keep creating and swallowing 10,000 gallons in a lifetime.  We have 5 main types of taste. Salty, Sweet, Bitter, Sour, and Umami.  Umami is a new type of taste. It is found in protein-rich foods. Such as cheese and soy sause.  Our mouths keep creating and swallowing 10,000 gallons in a lifetime.

16 Smell Fun Facts

17 Taste Fun Facts  Our sense of taste gives us the least information about he world about the world around us than any other sense.  Your sense of taste works closely together with the sense of smell to make food interesting  If we could not taste, then every food would taste the same.  Our sense of taste gives us the least information about he world about the world around us than any other sense.  Your sense of taste works closely together with the sense of smell to make food interesting  If we could not taste, then every food would taste the same.

18 Seeing Process Fun Facts  The seeing process beings when light coming form objects passes through the cornea, a clear protective shield.  It then goes through an opening, known as the pupil.  In front of the pupil is the iris, which gives the eye its color.  Ciliary muscles in the iris change the size of its central opening.  The iris controls the amount of light that goes through the pupil.  The iris closes down in bright light and widens when the light is dim.  The seeing process beings when light coming form objects passes through the cornea, a clear protective shield.  It then goes through an opening, known as the pupil.  In front of the pupil is the iris, which gives the eye its color.  Ciliary muscles in the iris change the size of its central opening.  The iris controls the amount of light that goes through the pupil.  The iris closes down in bright light and widens when the light is dim.

19 Our 5 Incredible Senses  Smell - Is very suggestible  Vision - The retina has 135,000,000 light sensitive cells  Hearing - also has to do with our balance  Taste - Is 75% smell  Touch –  Smell - Is very suggestible  Vision - The retina has 135,000,000 light sensitive cells  Hearing - also has to do with our balance  Taste - Is 75% smell  Touch –

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