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3D Hydrodynamics Simulations of Gravitational Instabilities in Irradiated Protoplanetary Disks – K. Cai et al. The Effects of Envelope Irradiation Irr.

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Presentation on theme: "3D Hydrodynamics Simulations of Gravitational Instabilities in Irradiated Protoplanetary Disks – K. Cai et al. The Effects of Envelope Irradiation Irr."— Presentation transcript:


2 3D Hydrodynamics Simulations of Gravitational Instabilities in Irradiated Protoplanetary Disks – K. Cai et al. The Effects of Envelope Irradiation Irr 15K Irr 25K No Irr 14 ORPs 3500 yr Irr 50K Simulations compared during the asymptotic phase  A  = 1.51, Peak Torq. = 1.5 Global t cool = 2.7 ORPs  A  = 1.01, Peak Torq. = 2.2 Global t cool = 5 ORPs  A  = 1.16, Peak Torq. = 2.0 Global t cool = 3.2 ORPs  A   0.40, Peak Torq. ~ 0.2 Global t cool ~ 9 ORPs Cai et al. (2007, in prep)

3 Stellar heating: T ext ~R -1 t=500 yr Inner disc (R~60 AU) Ambient heating: T ext =10K t=500 yr Disc does not fragment because it is too hot Disc does not fragment because it cannot cool fast Outer disc (R~300 AU) 600 AU Brown dwarf M=45M J Formation of giant planets close to the star (R 100 AU to form brown dwarfs.

4 Turbulence and Dead Zones in Protostellar Disks Neal Turner JPL/Caltech Takayoshi Sano Osaka U. Natalia Dziourkevitch MPIA Gammie 1996

5 High Spatial Resolution SMA Imaging of Transitional Disk LkH  330 Found in c2d Spitzer data to have mid-IR emission deficit SMA 340 GHz imaging confirms our SED modeling predictions of 50 AU gap in the disk Direct test of SED gap clearing interpretation Joanna Brown, G. A. Blake, C. Qi, C.P. Dullemond, D. Wilner & C. Salyk

6 High-resolution (R~100,000) observations at 8,12,17  m Observed range of source types (cTTs, wTTs, debris disk, Herbig Ae) So far, 5 of 20 sources observed show H 2 emission Mid-IR lines sensitive to gas temperatures between 200-800 K Simultaneous fit of all three lines from AB Aur gives T=670 K and M=0.5 M earth Assuming i=17 o (Semenov et al., 2005), line widths imply emission located near 18 AU in disk. TEXES/Gemini Survey for H 2 in Protoplanetary Disks AB Aur M. Bitner (U. Texas)

7 TEXES/Gemini Detection of Water in a Disk Around RW Aur A Claudia Knez 1, John Carr 2, John Lacy 3, Matthew Richter 4, Martin Bitner 3, Dan Jaffe 3, Joan Najita 5, Geoff Blake 6, Joanna Brown 6, Tom Geballe 7, Ewine van Dishoeck 8 1. University of Maryland, 2. Naval Research Laboratory, 3. University of Texas at Austin, 4. University of California, Davis, 5. NOAO, 6. Caltech, 7. Gemini Observatory, 8. Leiden University Hot water located in a disk within ~1 AU of the central star!! Water emission as seen with Spitzer/IRS TEXES resolved profile

8 High-Resolution IR Spectroscopy: A look inside Transitional Disks C. Salyk, G.A. Blake, J.M. Brown, A.C.A. Boogert California Institute of Technology


10 Probing protoplanetary disk evolution with the HI 21cm line P3-9: I.Kamp, W. Freudling, M. Robberto, J. Chengalur, E. Keto HD141569 d=99 pc  Pictoris blue: HI 21cm red: WFPC2 100 AU

11 Class III Disk evolution through a SED perspective Oliveira, Merín, Sicilia-Aguilar, van Dishoeck & Pontoppidan Class II Star Disk Class II + Follow-up optical spectroscopic survey to characterize central sources

12 Probing the Dust and Gas of Transitional Disks in Chamaeleon Catherine Espaillat, Nuria Calvet, Paola D’Alessio, Edwin Bergin, Lee Hartmann, Dan Watson, Elise Furlan, Joan Najita, William Forrest, Melissa McClure, Ben Sargent, Chris Bohac, & Samuel Harrold P3-11 We find a possible correlation of [Ne II] luminosity with accretion rate. - If confirmed, this would suggest that EUV fluxes due to accretion could be the main agent for formation of the [Ne II] line (Hollenbach & Gorti, in prep). CS Cha has an optically thick disk truncated at ~43 AU, the largest hole modeled in a transitional disk. The disk of CS Cha has bigger grains and more settling than the previously modeled transitional disks DM Tau and GM Aur. The Spitzer IRS spectrum has [Ne II] 12.81  m fine-structure emission.

13 Dust dynamics during protoplanetary disc clearing Model dust and gas evolution during clearing phase of evolution. Consider observations of “inner hole” sources, and how to discriminate between different models. Richard Alexander & Phil Armitage (JILA, University of Colorado) astro-ph/0611821

14 Multiwavelength Imaging of Edge-on Circumstellar Disks Deborah Padgett (SSC/Caltech) et al. Some of the clearest disk images are for the edge-on systems Project goals: 1). Acquire high resolution optical and near-infrared images for a dozen young edge-on disks. 2). Use scattered light and SED modeling to derive disk structure and dust grain properties. WFPC2/ACSNICMOS datamodel

15 The inner dust rim of Herbig Ae star - MWC275: A view into the dust to gas transition region. We have obtained near- IR Interferomtery (with the CHARA array) on a YSO - MWC275, with baselines greater than 300m (0.7 mas resolution) for the first time. Results indicate the presence of near-IR gas emission from within the dust destruction radius. A. Tannirkulam, J. D. Monnier, Rafael Millan-Gabet, Tim Harries & Theo ten Brummelaar IOTA Keck Interferometer CHARA

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