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WGSF-I, Halifax, 11-12 October 2004 Earth System Science Partnership IRS: Amazon Antarctica Asian Monsoon Mediterranean North Eurasia/Arctic South Africa.

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Presentation on theme: "WGSF-I, Halifax, 11-12 October 2004 Earth System Science Partnership IRS: Amazon Antarctica Asian Monsoon Mediterranean North Eurasia/Arctic South Africa."— Presentation transcript:

1 WGSF-I, Halifax, 11-12 October 2004 Earth System Science Partnership IRS: Amazon Antarctica Asian Monsoon Mediterranean North Eurasia/Arctic South Africa or AMMA? Start

2 WGSF-I, Halifax, 11-12 October 2004 IGBP II Structure

3 GEWEX 1988  SPARC 1992  WOCE 1990-2002 CLIVAR 1995  TOGA 1985-1994 ACSYS/CliC 1994–2003/2000  SOLAS 2001 -> Joint Scientific Committee Mod. Panel WG OA Task Forces WGNE WGCM WGSF IPAB WGSAT TFSP

4 WGSF-I, Halifax, 11-12 October 2004 WOCE Final, San Antonio, 11-15 November 2002 ACSYS Final, St. Petersburg, 11-14 November 2003 CLIVAR 1 st Science Conference, Baltimore, 21-25 June 2004 3 rd SPARC General Assembly, Victoria, 1-6 August 2004 1 st SOLAS Open Science Conference, 13-16 October 2004 CliC 1 st Science Conference, Beijing, 11-15 April 2005 5 th GEWEX Science Conference, Irvine, 20-24 June 2005 Recent and future WCRP Conferences

5 WGSF-I, Halifax, 11-12 October 2004 JPS for WCRP David Carson D/WCRP, ESSP V. Satyan D/modelling, WGNE, WGCM, START, MP Valery Detemmerman CLIVAR Gilles Sommeria GEWEX, WGOA Vladimir Ryabinin CliC, SPARC, fluxes Ann Salini Anne Chautard Margaret Lennon-Smith

6 WGSF-I, Halifax, 11-12 October 2004 World Climate Research Programme (1980) WCRP Structural Elements and modes of work: JSC Core projects WCRP - wide panels and groups (WGNE, WGCM, WGSF) COPES and its elements e.g. - Modelling Panel, - WG on Observations and Assimilation Task Forces Joint ESSP Projects (water, carbon, food, human health) Capacity building activities (START) International Project Offices Other activities (e.g. IGOS Themes on Water Cycle and Cryosphere) JPS for WCRP WGSF member required

7 WGSF-I, Halifax, 11-12 October 2004 Timeline 2001:WGASF ends, recommendations for future work made, earlier version of SOLAS SP available Feb 2002:R.Duce’s letter: WCRP to work on fluxes through SOLAS Mar 2002:JSC: WCRP sponsors SOLAS, decides to have WG on fluxes Summer 02:JPS’s note on WCRP requirements in fluxes, approach laid out Beg. aut.02:SOLAS: joint group WCRP/SOLAS proposed Nov 2002: SOLAS SSC: VR: SOLAS deliverables? SOLAS to be on WCRP group on fluxes, IS starts, “mass” flux review decided Jan-Feb 03:SOLAS: joint group WCRP/SOLAS on fluxes proposed again Mar 2003:WCRP JSC: WCRP WGSF to be launched (to incl. SOLAS) May 2003:SOLAS SP/IS finalised. Chris Fairall identified as WGSF Chair 09.03-09.04:WGSF Composition Fixed (major problems with modelling centres) Today: First meeting

8 WGSF-I, Halifax, 11-12 October 2004 TORs for WGSF (as proposed at JSC-23 in Hobart) : to review the requirements of the different WCRP programmes for air-sea fluxes; to develop communication and co-ordination between the research initiatives of WCRP and IGBP on air sea-fluxes; to encourage research and operational activities aimed at improving the knowledge of air-sea fluxes; to keep the scientific community and the JSC informed of progress achieved through regular reports, World Wide Web, and as necessary, scientific workshops.

9 WGSF-I, Halifax, 11-12 October 2004 Proposed specific objectives of WGSF for the nearest perspective: Ongoing compilation, evaluation and intercomparison of existing flux data sets, including those of biogeochemical fluxes; further improvement of parameterisations of physical and biogeochemical fluxes, quantification of uncertainties in surface flux products and development of metadata for these products; assessment of model sensitivity to and limits on predictability from errors associated with surface fluxes and development of objective analysis schemes and data assimilation techniques in support of the coupled system (re-) analysis; development of strategy for merging and combining surface flux data sets to meet the requirements of WCRP and IGBP; development of the requirements for flux and flux-related observations in co- operation with GCOS, GOOS, IGBP, and other relevant activities; interaction with and support to SOLAS.

10 WGSF-I, Halifax, 11-12 October 2004 Co-operation with SOLAS: Basic approach:  Focus on the cross- cutting issues (parameterizations, in-situ observations, sampling and spatial analysis procedures)  No split – discuss together all issues, including those primarily important for WCRP or SOLAS  Try to account for both WCRP and SOLAS issues in all activities of the WG SOLAS WCRP: CLIVAR, GEWEX,CliC, WGNE,WGCM, seasonal TF WGSF

11 WGSF-I, Halifax, 11-12 October 2004 Consideration of fluxes over the land: In general, within the framework of WGSF future consideration should be given to the fluxes over the land. This may require some modification of TORs and membership in [tentatively] 2-3 years. In the initial stage [2-3 years], a close co-operation with the relevant GEWEX panels, WGCM, and ILEAPS is recommended. WCRP SOLAS  NWP fluxes, SURFA  data assimilation, GODAE  satellite fluxes  VOS fluxes  parameterizations  fluxes for ocean modelling  wind waves  fluxes over ice  surface flux variability  observing systems  flux datasets (SEAFLUX)  biogeochemical fluxes  particle fluxes  deposition  measurement technologies radiative fluxes

12 WGSF-I, Halifax, 11-12 October 2004 Tasks for and structure of this meeting: Review WCRP and SOLAS activities (COPES – VR, CLIVAR – SG, CliC – VR, GEWEX – VR, SPARC – Norm, WGNE/WGCM –SG, TFSL, TFSP – SG, IPY – VR, obs – VR, SOLAS – Wade Decide what we do, who, when, how If we cannot decide on something now, decide how we approach it

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