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DBQ Introduction WHAP and APUSH Compilation of Resources.

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Presentation on theme: "DBQ Introduction WHAP and APUSH Compilation of Resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 DBQ Introduction WHAP and APUSH Compilation of Resources

2 Grab Two Handfuls of Candy (per team) Examine the stash with your team Sort out 10 different types of candies

3 Collaborate Discuss how you could sort the bulk of the stash into two groups using this criteria – organize with a minimum of 3 candies in a group (more can be used ) – the candies in each group must share a common characteristic

4 On paper, folded in half lengthwise, label: Group 1Group 2 Under each heading, explain the reason for the grouping. Turn the paper face down Sort your candies into two groups

5 Rotate as a team Observe the next set of groupings Analyze the grouping and discuss with your team Turn the paper over to see if your rationale agrees with those who created the group Leave comments under the original rationale for the groupings

6 Again: Rotate as a team Observe the next set of groups Analyze the grouping and discuss with your team Turn the paper over to see if your rationale agrees with those who created the group Leave comments under the original rationale for the groupings

7 Return to Original Groupings Repeat the process BUT with three groups Repeat the written process Group 1Group 2Group 3 Under each heading, explain the reason for the grouping. Turn the paper face down.

8 Rotate with Team to 3 Sets Observe the next group of 3 sets Analyze the grouping and discuss with your team Turn the paper over to see if your rationale agrees with those who created the grouping Leave comments under the original rationale for the groupings

9 Again: Rotate with team to Sets of 3 Observe the next set of three groupings Analyze the grouping and discuss with your team Turn the paper over to see if your rationale agrees with those who created the group Leave comments under the original rationale for the groupings

10 Return to Your 3 Sets Observe the three groups Could you subdivide these with a smaller group? Discuss with your team and explain

11 What candy was missing? What additional piece of candy would you like to include? Why? Where would it fit in the above groups? How would having that type of candy have made a difference?

12 Grouping with Documents Practice the grouping principle with documents First, recall SOAPSTone

13 Steps for the students: 1.Read the documents very carefully. 2.Answer the question: Why was THIS person producing THIS piece of information at THIS time or in this manner? 3.Or use SOAPSTONE.

14 S - Who is the Speaker/Source? H – Home - country of origin, national or ethnic identity O – Occupation or profession G – Gender W – Worldview – values as reflecting religious, philosophical, or other cultural ideals A – Age R – Real Knowledge – that is what are the limitations of the speaker – what could they know or not know T – Theoretical Ideals - political, economic, or other social / intellectual values S – Social Status, including class, caste, wealth and education

15 O - A - P - S O - What is the Occasion? A - What is the Intended Audience? P - What is the Purpose? S - What is the Subject? – NOT for POV itself, but to support POV claims or to help answer the question.

16 TONE – What is the tone of the document? Consider the SHOCK AND AWE approach. Is the speaker or message: S – Sad or wistful? H – Haughty or condescending or insensitive? O – Obsessed or fanatical or just committed? C – Cruel or antagonistic or ruthless? K – Knowledgeable or arrogant or uncertain? A – Amused or tolerant or unsympathetic? N – Negative or defensive or judgmental? D – Deferential or respectful? A – Annoyed or outraged or disgusted? W – Worried or panic stricken? E – Excited or guilty or ashamed?

17 PEP RALLIES DBQ (w/ thanks to Helen Delahunty) Question: Analyze the differing attitudes held by members of the Yorktown High School Community towards pep rallies.

18 Document 1 Source: Karen Schepps, European History teacher at Yorktown H.S. I don't like pep rallies. I don't like the pumping up of emotion and enthusiasm in people so that they cheer for only one special group. It reminds me of what happens in dictatorships - people cheer the leader and feel a part of the crowd and so the leader can manipulate people to do what he /she wants. School nationalism can divide the world into "them" and 'us" like regular nationalism which has been such a destructive force in the world.

19 Document 2 Source: Betty Weyrich, Valedictorian of Yorktown High School, 2002 They're (pep rallies) such a waste of time. I could be reading something in the library or listening to my music or going home instead of watching all the jocks parade and the cheerleaders falling over themselves.

20 Document 3 Source: Jason Palumbo, Yorktown H.S. Cross-country team captain Pep rallies are great. Some teams, like ours, never really get many fans cheering for us. To have the kids at school recognizing our accomplishments in such a public setting is rewarding.

21 Document 4 Source: Donny Ortiz, Principal Yorktown High School First, pep rallies provide an opportunity to bring an entire school together at one venue. This opportunity gives teachers and students the chance to see other students and teachers they might not see otherwise. Second, it presents an ideal time to convey to others the activities in which many students participate. Third, it provides for everyone a form of entertainment (when done correctly) related to diversity in personalities, talents, and perspectives of each other.

22 Document 5 Source: Sarah Casey, Trombone player in the Yorktown H.S. pep band. Pep rallies are a major drag. Our teachers get annoyed that we have to be excused early to set up. No one wants to hear us play. Then we have to sit there until the end of the rally for the last song.

23 Document 6 Source: John Gutter, Vice Principal, Yorktown High School Sometimes I view the school as a family; therefore, I consider pep rallies as a family activity, like Thanksgiving or Christmas. When I help organize the events, I want as many school groups to participate as possible; just like a family wants every member to participate. School activities help people feel a part of the group, and that is very important to me.

24 Document 7 Source: Gary Millvanders, Security Guard at Yorktown High School Pep rallies are a pain. Invariably there will be at least one fight in the stands that needs to be broken up in a crowd of students; and several kids will be wandering the halls unsupervised that we’ll need to round up. It is a real burden for us security guards.

25 Document 8 Source: Ben Kolpin, Football & Swimming Coach at Yorktown H.S. It’s only right that the team members get some recognition from the entire school community for all their hard work. The majority of the school does not come out to our games. We should get some applause at school.

26 Document 9 Source: Colleen Boland, Yorktown High School varsity cheerleader. I love pep rallies! We get to lead the school in demonstrations of our school spirit and enthusiasm. I don’t mind losing my voice to get the crowds fired up. Those who do not like pep rallies are a few anti-social misfits whose opinions really don’t matter. Go Patriots!

27 Works Cited Bethany Rickard Bill Strickland Monica Bond-Lamberty Helen Delahunty Google Images

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