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73. Protection. 74. To offer advice and awards on improving the remaining barns. 75. Saving / Protecting Historic Barns.

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Presentation on theme: "73. Protection. 74. To offer advice and awards on improving the remaining barns. 75. Saving / Protecting Historic Barns."— Presentation transcript:

1 73. Protection. 74. To offer advice and awards on improving the remaining barns. 75. Saving / Protecting Historic Barns.

2 76. Learning Disabilities 77. Differences 78. Effects on abilities 79. Do mathematics 80. Signs

3 81. understanding funny stories 82. Dyslexia 83. reading very slowly 84. Conclusion 85. providing extra help

4 Dear Editor, As we all know, in our country children must receive nine years of compulsory education from age six, but in our community I find something is wrong with the children of migrant workers. These children have entered the city with their parents. Some of

5 them are deprived of a proper compulsory education. According to my investigation, some 10 percent of the migrant children are out of school and about 75 percent of them can only attend cheap private schools where they are offered a poor quality of education with few facilities and few qualified teachers. I think the

6 reasons are as follows: To start with, the parents are too busy to care about their children. Secondly, they haven’t enough money to pay their tuition fees for urban public schools. I hope local governments will be responsible for providing good education to migrant children.

7 They should either let them attend public schools or set up special migrant schools. Yours truly, Li Hua

8 … According to my servey, about 10% of the children of migrant workers have not received any school education, and about 75% of the children are studying shabby classrooms. There are two reasons that lead to the phenomena. One is because the parents of the children are so busy with their jobs that they seldom have time to take care of their children; the other cause is because

9 most of the public schools in cities have limits towards migrant workers’ children or those schools often require extra fees besides tuition. Therefore, in order to improve this situation, I suggest that local governments allow the children of migrants enter public schools or build schols specially for those children. 李迪雅

10 …About 10% of them can’t go to schol and 75% of them can only go to shabby schools. Why? At first, their parents are busy in working, they have no time to take care of their children. Second, they all come from the countryside and most of them are poor, but many schools limit the students and ask for extra payment. I think they are wrong! Every child is our hope. Everyone should require a chance

11 to study. I think the government must make sure that the children of the migrant workers go to public schols to study or set up some special schools for them. Thank you! 周丽娅

12 …I have done a research recently. The statistics shows that almost 10% of the children of migrant workers are not going to school. Another 75% of the children are studying in schools with poor conditions. One reason is that the parents are too busy to think about their children. Another reason is their children entering public schools is limited. Some parents mentioned that extra fees also

13 prevent them sending children to better schools, as they can’t afford it. All are born equel! Children should have equel rights to go to school. Maybe local governments can adjust to policy and allow migrant workers’ children to go to public schools or we can build some special schools for them which charges less fees.

14 Hope you journalists can also care more about migrant workers’ children’s education. 聂思晴

15 李琴棋 …About 10 percent of childern in the country have not attended to school, and three in four of them have studied in the schols with poor teaching equipment and bad study enviornment. All the cases come out with some proper reasons as follows: First of all, parents of the children are

16 too busy to attend to them. Then, the schools in urban areas have entrance limits and some schools charge an extra fee. According to the reasons above, we suggest that the local government allow the farmers’ children to attend public schools or build special schools to adopt these children. After all, childern are the future of the nation.

17 张骋 … According to the research, it shows that 10% of kids can’t go to school. 75% of kids study in the shabby schppls. It can be concluded that the problem has become more and more serious. To account for the above- mentioned phenomenon, all kinds of lessons have been put forward. In the very beginning, parents are too busy to look after their

18 kids. What’s more, schools in the city charge much money. We should take immediate measures, for if the present situation continues as before, serious outcome will come up. We should urge the government to build schools and put in more money to affor kids of farmers to go to school. Only through these measures, I firmly believe, will the above-discussed problems be efficiently resolved.

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