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5 KEYS TO A BALANCED SYSTEM OF ASSESSMENT Amy and Jason Kronemeyer Sault Ste. Marie Area Public Schools Eastern Upper Peninsula ISD Purpose TrustTrust.

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Presentation on theme: "5 KEYS TO A BALANCED SYSTEM OF ASSESSMENT Amy and Jason Kronemeyer Sault Ste. Marie Area Public Schools Eastern Upper Peninsula ISD Purpose TrustTrust."— Presentation transcript:

1 5 KEYS TO A BALANCED SYSTEM OF ASSESSMENT Amy and Jason Kronemeyer Sault Ste. Marie Area Public Schools Eastern Upper Peninsula ISD Purpose TrustTrust Flexible Accessible Responsive

2 DISCLAIMER  We are not  Promoting a company or product  Telling other regions what is best  We are  Promoting sensible systems that enhance student learning  Sharing our process and learning in hopes that one or two concepts may help other regions



5 Learning From Our Past 2002 - 200420052006 - 20072008 - 20132014 - Delivery1 st LMS2 nd LMS Data Warehouse SIS / Data Warehouse UnifiedID AccessLocalLocal - Test Key ReportingManual Data Warehouse Class RostersManual Imported from SIS Barriers Access Rosters Frequency Validity Alignment Reporting PD Access Rosters Frequency Validity Reporting PD Access Frequency Reporting PD Access PD

6 CAN WE AGREE? Assessment is a hair pulling experience!

7 KEY #1 PURPOSE Purpose

8 PURPOSE  Regional efficiency and shared efficacy  Use of each assessment  Region, District, School, Classroom, Student  Beyond Individual District Beliefs  Focus on informing instruction vs evaluation  Professional learning communities Purpose


10 KEY #2 TRUST TrustTrust

11  Relationships  Teachers, Parents, Administrators, ISD Consultants  Consistency  Who, what, when, where, WHY and how  Supportive TrustTrust

12 KEY #3 FLEXIBLE Flexibile

13 FLEXIBLE  Meets the needs of the individual districts  Formative and Summative Assessment in same system  External data Flexibile

14 KEY #4 ACCESSIBLE Accessible

15 ACCESSIBLE  Delivery  Teacher  Student  Reporting  Teacher  Parents  Students  Counselors  Administrators  Providers Accessible Systems Reporting Identity


17 KEY #5 RESPONSIVE Responsive

18 RESPONSIVE  Constant change for the better  Never DONE  New Systems and Reports  Data needs of the teacher are the most important, when needs change reports change Responsive

19 MTSS Who needs intervention? Who is getting intervention? How long? Is it working (PET)? Intervention Type 1-6 1= Place Value/Numeration 2=WN Add/Sub 3=WN MULT/DIV 4=Decimals 5=Fractions 6=Measurement 7=Counting/Number ID 8=Algebra

20 WHERE ARE WE GOING?  Early Warning System  Moving the collaborative spaces to the SIS / Data Warehouse  Pulling from key student demographics  Special Education, Attendance, Behavior, Programs, Grades  Three clicks for meeting preparation

21 QUESTIONS?  Purpose  Trust  Flexible  Accessible  Responsive Purpose TrustTrust Flexible Accessible Responsive

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