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Contact Info Instructor: Dr. Adrienne Cottrell-Yongye Office: N-111 Main Campus Phone: 772-462-7491

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Presentation on theme: "Contact Info Instructor: Dr. Adrienne Cottrell-Yongye Office: N-111 Main Campus Phone: 772-462-7491"— Presentation transcript:

1 Contact Info Instructor: Dr. Adrienne Cottrell-Yongye Office: N-111 Main Campus Phone: 772-462-7491 E-Mail:

2 Welcome to Lab! Be sure to familiarize yourself with safety procedures Where does broken glass go? What goes in the biohazard? No eating/drinking in lab! Be sure to wear closed-toed shoes to lab everytime!


4 How to Measure Correctly Measurement of iron nail –R–Ruler # 1  3.6 cm 3  certain; 6 is estimated –R–Ruler # 2  3.59 cm 3  certain; 5  certain; 9  is estimated 1 2 3 4 5 centimeters 12 3 45

5 Properly reading Graduated Cylinder Always use graduated cylinder to measure volume – Do not use a beaker! 66.2 mL

6 Metric System Decimal system Universal – used in all of the sciences Used in measurements of: – Length – Meter – Weight – Gram – Volume – Liter – Temperature – Celsius °C = (°F – 32°)/1.8

7 Metric System Conversions are in units of ten Kings Have Diamonds But Diamonds Cost Money – K = Kilo (1000) – H= Hecto (100) – D = Deca (10) – B= base unit (meter, gram, Liter) – D = Deci (1/10) – C = Centi (1/100) – M = Milli (1/1000)

8 Practice Problems 1.51 cm = ______mm 2.92 cm and 1 mm = ______mm 3.72 mm = _____cm 4.317 m = _____cm 5.1.35 km = _____m 6.4156 cm = _____m 7.8000 m = ______km 8.83 g = _____mg 1. 976 g = _____mg 2. 4000 mg = _____g 3. 3000 g = _____kg 4. 8 L = _____ml 5. 1.75 L = _____ml 6. 985 ml = _____L 7. 7428 ml = _____L

9 Practice Problem Answers 1.510 mm 2.921 mm 3.7.2 cm 4.31700 cm 5.1350 m 6.41.56 m 7.8 km 8.8300 mg 1. 976,000 mg 2. 4 g 3. 3 kg 4. 8000 ml 5. 1750 ml 6. 0.985 L 7. 7.428 L

10 Measuring Volume via Water Displacement Method Used when standard method of determining volume (ex. Volume of a block = Length x width x height) difficult to determine Displacement volume = – Total volume (after object) – Original volume (before object)

11 General Biology I Lab BSC 2010L Lab 1 – Measurement and Microscopy

12 Microscopy  Light Microscope Binocular dissecting microscope Compound light microscope  Electron Microscope Transmission Electron Microscope ○ Thin slices of specimen Scanning Electron Microscope ○ Image of surface of specimen


14 The Objective Lenses Scanning Objective (4x) – Red color band, smallest one Low-power objective (10x) – Yellow color band High-power objective (40x) – Blue color band Oil Immersion objective (100x) – Gray color band – Only use with oil! Have to carefully clean oil off afterwards!!!!!

15 Total Magnification Total Magnification = ocular x objective – Ocular lense is usually 10 – Examples: Under 4x objective – magnification of specimen is 40 x Under 10x objective – magnification of specimen is 100x Under 40x objective – magnification of specimen is 400x

16 Microscopy  Using the Microscope Find the microscope # assigned to you in the cabinet Carry the microscope with BOTH hands back to the lab bench Plug it in, turn on light Place slide on stage Move stage to highest position Always view specimen on lowest power first! ○ Focus and center Switch to higher power ○ Focus (fine adjustment knob only, scopes are parfocal) and center, etc.  When done: Turn off light Unplug and wrap cord around base Switch lens to lowest power (4X)!! Move stage to lowest position Take slide off Clean lens with only lens paper (if used oil) Cleans slide with KIMWIPES Place microscope back in cabinet

17 Things to Remember Be careful with Microscope Never turn head around! Always clean lenses with lense paper – In your drawer You can clean slides with Kimwipes Always put slides back in slide box in numerical order!!!!!

18 S Learn parts of the compound microscope that we will use Learn how to make a wet mount – Refer to Figure 2.9 Metric System – Be comfortable with measurements and know how to do conversions!

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