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Notes / Videos: Intro to the Cold War. Cold War – the war without a war; called “cold” because of the “icy” relations between the US & USSR.

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Presentation on theme: "Notes / Videos: Intro to the Cold War. Cold War – the war without a war; called “cold” because of the “icy” relations between the US & USSR."— Presentation transcript:

1 Notes / Videos: Intro to the Cold War

2 Cold War – the war without a war; called “cold” because of the “icy” relations between the US & USSR

3 Atomic Warfare – the constant threat during the Cold War

4 Video: Video: Atomic Bomb Test Video: Video: Atomic Bomb Test

5 Video: Video: A Small Atomic Bomb Video: Video: A Small Atomic Bomb

6 Video: Video: Hiroshima Reenactment Video: Video: Hiroshima Reenactment

7 MAD – Mutually Assured Destruction


9 Video: Video: Duck and Cover Video: Video: Duck and Cover

10 Duck and Cover, discussion  How is the threat of atomic warfare presented? 1=calm danger, 5=moderate danger, 10=extremely scary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10  Imagine you are a 4 th grade student watching this film, would you be scared?  Why do you think the government used Bert the Turtle?  What does the film tell you about America during the Cold War?

11 Cold War Alliances  Free World: North/South America Western Europe Australia  Communist World: USSR China Cuba  Third World Africa Southwest Asia

12 Domino theory – a country turning communist is like a line of dominos.

13 Iron Curtain – the separation of the free world and communist world

14 Karl Marx  Creator of Marxism, the ideas behind Communism.  Karl Marx: “To each according to need, from each according to ability”

15 Communism  In theory: No private ownership. No classes. No inequality (everyone equal).  In reality: No rights. Brutal dictatorships. Still inequality.

16 Famous Communist Leaders (Russian) Vladamir LeninJoseph Stalin

17 Famous Communist Leaders (non-Russian) Fidel Castro, Cuba Mao Zedong, Cuba

18 Video: Video: Introduction to the Cold War Video: Video: Introduction to the Cold War

19 Assignment, Chapter 17, section 1 “Origins of the Cold War”  Define and write the significance of the following terms, then draw a visual to represent each picture: Cold war 4 zones of Germany Atom bomb Proletariat Totalitarian Big Brother Iron curtain

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