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Lab 7 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University Lab7 – uCOS Application 2015/11/10/ 10 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Lab 7 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University Lab7 – uCOS Application 2015/11/10/ 10 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lab 7 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University Lab7 – uCOS Application 2015/11/10/ 10 1

2 Lab 7 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University  Customize your sensor network (SIOTAS) on STM32F207. 2015/11/10/ 10 2

3 Lab 7 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University  Host System  Windows XP  Build System  IAR Embedded Workbench + Ubuntu 8.04  Target System  PTK development board (STM32F207)  Software  PTK Examples Version 2  You can find all software on CSL Course Software.CSL Course Software 2015/11/10/ 10 3

4 Lab 7 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University 2015/11/10/ 10 4

5 Lab 7 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University  Step 1: open the device project and download.  PTK_Example_v2/ePBB/Applications/Projects/PTK-STM32F207/EWARM- V6/OS_uCOS-II/rf_zigbee_zb01_Device/demo.eww 2015/11/10/ 10 5

6 Lab 7 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University  Open the coordinator project and download.  PTK_Example_v2/ePBB/Applications/Projects/PTK-STM32F207/EWARM- V6/OS_uCOS-II/rf_zigbee_zb01_Coordinator/demo.eww 2015/11/10/ 10 6

7 Lab 7 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University  LED0 will blinking when Coordinator/Device is working.  LED1 will be forced in ON state when Coordinator/Device is connected.  More information in PTK_Example_v2/Docs/PTK-RF-ZB-ZB01 2015/11/10/ 10 7

8 Lab 7 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University  Open the TCPIP project and download.  PTK_Example_v2/ePBB/Applications/Projects/PTK-STM32F207/EWARM- V6/OS_uCOS-II/base_uC-TCPIP-V2/demo.eww  You should use socket to transfer data.  More information in PTK_Example_v2/ePBB/Libraries/OS_uCOS- II/Micrium-V29x/Software/uC-TCPIP-V2/Doc 2015/11/10/ 10 8

9 Lab 7 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University  Download source codes of TCP Server in Ubuntu.TCP Server  Test your Server.  % telnet 1110  Input some words.  You should transfer coordinator’s data to Echo Server by TCP. 2015/11/10/ 10 9

10 Lab 7 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University  Design your own application which collect sensor data through Zigbee and send to PC Ubuntu server through TCPIP socket.  Note that it is due the next week.  Please hand in your lab report to the FTP.  Server:  Username: csl2015  Password: csl2015HomeWork  Directory: lab7,8  Please use this format for filename: “G# Ver#”, where G# is your group id and Ver# is revision version number.  E.g., G1 Ver2 2015/11/10/ 10 10

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