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SLD Guidelines Thompson School District’s Guide for Determining SLD Eligibility.

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Presentation on theme: "SLD Guidelines Thompson School District’s Guide for Determining SLD Eligibility."— Presentation transcript:

1 SLD Guidelines Thompson School District’s Guide for Determining SLD Eligibility

2 Afternoon Agenda Responsibilities SLD Identification Components Issues Resolution

3 Responsibilities ESS Team-Case Manager – Attend the P-S Team Meeting at which the team determines to refer the case to special education evaluation – At that meeting, set up a time to sit with the parent to discuss Procedural Safeguards and obtain (Blue) Prior Written Notice & Consent for Evaluation. (This may be immediately following the P-S Meeting, if parent agrees.) – Facilitate the IEP team’s review of SLD Guidelines at the Eligibility Determination Meeting

4 P-S Team to Referral A special education provider attends the P-S Meeting at which a special education referral occurs. Permission to Evaluate is obtained. Additional assessments are administered. Eligibility Meeting: – Review SLD Guidelines – all pages – Review Eligibility Report – Complete Determination of Eligibility: Specific Learning Disability – PWN – Initial IEP – PWN – Medicaid Form

5 SLD Guidelines: Background and Purpose, p3 The team must identify both: – an academic skill deficit and – insufficient progress. A different tool must be used to identify academic skill deficit and insufficient progress.

6 SLD Guidelines: Exclusionary Factors Worksheet, p4 SLD Identification Guidelines\TSD exclusionary factors worksheet ex 1.xlsx SLD Identification Guidelines\TSD exclusionary factors worksheet ex 1.xlsx SLD Identification Guidelines\TSD exclusionary factors worksheet ex 2.xlsx SLD Identification Guidelines\TSD exclusionary factors worksheet ex 2.xlsx Questions?

7 SLD Guidelines: Insufficient Progress Checklist, p5 Yes/No Questions Interventions Attempted Progress Monitoring Tools Gap Analysis SLD Identification Guidelines\TSD Insufficient Progress Checklist ex 1.docx SLD Identification Guidelines\TSD Insufficient Progress Checklist ex 1.docx SLD Identification Guidelines\TSD Insufficient Progress Checklist ex 2.docx SLD Identification Guidelines\TSD Insufficient Progress Checklist ex 2.docx

8 SLD Guidelines: Gap Analysis Worksheet, p6 Assessment Used: Current Benchmark: Current Performance: Current Gap: Significant? Is current rate of progress satisfactory to close? SLD Identification Guidelines\Gap Analysis Example 1.doc SLD Identification Guidelines\Gap Analysis Example 2.doc

9 SLD Guidelines: Academic Skill Deficit Worksheet, p9 Part I – Progress Monitoring Data Part II – Student’s like-population Part III – Suspected Deficits Part IV – Additional Assessments SLD Identification Guidelines\TSD SLD Academic Skill Deficit Worksheet ex1.docx SLD Identification Guidelines\TSD SLD Academic Skill Deficit Worksheet ex1.docx SLD Identification Guidelines\TSD SLD Academic Skill Deficit Worksheet ex 2.docx SLD Identification Guidelines\TSD SLD Academic Skill Deficit Worksheet ex 2.docx

10 SLD Paperwork Send in completed paperwork with the IEP. Include the Problem Solving Team Paperwork as well as SLD Paperwork.

11 SLD Questions? Questions? Feedback?

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