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Numbers Coalition La Casa Latina Penn $200 $400 $600.

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2 Numbers Latin@ Coalition La Casa Latina Penn $200 $400 $600

3 Percentage of Latin@ students at Penn. 10%

4 1999 What year was La Casa founded?

5 Number of active constituent groups in the Latin@ Coalition. 19

6 Name one of the Latino Coalition’s recent initiatives. Mental Wellness Faculty Diversity Student Financial Services

7 What weeklong event celebrates Latin@ culture at Penn? Festival Latino

8 What coalition of umbrella groups work to advance minority concerns at Penn? The 5B (LC, Lambda, APSC, UMC, UMOJA)

9 When do we celebrate Latin@ Heritage Month? September 15 - October 15

10 What is the name of La Casa’s mentorship program? Unidos

11 Name one of La Casa Latina’s Directors. Johnny Patty Maritza

12 Who will be headlining Spring Fling this week? Kesha & Kygo

13 13% What percentage of the Class of 2019 is first-generation students at Penn?

14 What was the acceptance rate to Penn this year? 9.9%

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