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DIRECTORATE GENERAL FOR ENERGY AND TRANSPORT Information Day 6th Framework Programme 1st Call for Proposals, 5 Feb. 2003, Brussels ASAS operational improvements:

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Presentation on theme: "DIRECTORATE GENERAL FOR ENERGY AND TRANSPORT Information Day 6th Framework Programme 1st Call for Proposals, 5 Feb. 2003, Brussels ASAS operational improvements:"— Presentation transcript:

1 DIRECTORATE GENERAL FOR ENERGY AND TRANSPORT Information Day 6th Framework Programme 1st Call for Proposals, 5 Feb. 2003, Brussels ASAS operational improvements: Dream or Reality Expectations of the European Commission

2 DIRECTORATE GENERAL FOR ENERGY AND TRANSPORT Information Day 6th Framework Programme 1st Call for Proposals, 5 Feb. 2003, Brussels Objective Support Community Policy l Achievement of ‘Single Sky’ l Support Decision Making l Standardisation Speed up development of European ATM l Paradigm Change l Common European Approach l Introduction of New Technologies l Change of Responsibilities l European Architecture Encourage Co-operation

3 DIRECTORATE GENERAL FOR ENERGY AND TRANSPORT Information Day 6th Framework Programme 1st Call for Proposals, 5 Feb. 2003, Brussels Goals ATM Research goals l Safety l Capacity l Efficiency and reliability l Maximize airport operations in all weather conditions

4 DIRECTORATE GENERAL FOR ENERGY AND TRANSPORT Information Day 6th Framework Programme 1st Call for Proposals, 5 Feb. 2003, Brussels 6th FP - ATM Programme New Generation ATM l Co-operative Air Traffic Management l Advanced Airborne System Applications l Reduced Separation Minima Airport of the Future l Airport Efficiency l Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems l Technologies for Advanced Approach and Landing Innovative Air Traffic Management and Research Co-ordination Action

5 DIRECTORATE GENERAL FOR ENERGY AND TRANSPORT Information Day 6th Framework Programme 1st Call for Proposals, 5 Feb. 2003, Brussels New Generation ATM - C-ATM Large scale live trial validation of an Integrated concept: l Optimise task distribution between air and ground l 4D trajectories and Airborne Separation Assurance System (ASAS Package 1) l System Wide Information Management l Collaborative decision making l Strategic dynamic layered planning system Three Phases: l Planning, Concept and initial validation l Validation, System integration and initial development l Integration, Trials and Dissemination.

6 DIRECTORATE GENERAL FOR ENERGY AND TRANSPORT Information Day 6th Framework Programme 1st Call for Proposals, 5 Feb. 2003, Brussels New Generation ATM - C-ATM Expectations l Operationally driven: service providers, airlines and industry are essential; research centres in support l Air / Ground integration a priority l Concentrated on few locations and associated platforms l Full ASAS Package 1 l Dual Link capability for ADS-B applications l 4D Trajectory Capability l System Wide Information Management l Validation oriented to implementation decisions l Technology activity oriented to live operations

7 DIRECTORATE GENERAL FOR ENERGY AND TRANSPORT Information Day 6th Framework Programme 1st Call for Proposals, 5 Feb. 2003, Brussels Advanced Airborne System Applications “Develop and validate Airborne Separation Assurance Systems (ASAS Package 2 & 3)” Increased airborne responsibility for separation Enhancement and optimisation of ground and air data processing systems Advanced procedures and support tools for pilots and controllers Increased automation based on integration of on- board CNS and 4D trajectory information New Generation ATM

8 DIRECTORATE GENERAL FOR ENERGY AND TRANSPORT Information Day 6th Framework Programme 1st Call for Proposals, 5 Feb. 2003, Brussels Reduced Separation Minima “Safely reduce separation minima to increase system capacity ” Reappraisal and revision of current standards Development, analysis and modelling of new air to air and surface separation standards Justify proposed changes through safety, efficiency and economic cases New Generation ATM

9 DIRECTORATE GENERAL FOR ENERGY AND TRANSPORT Information Day 6th Framework Programme 1st Call for Proposals, 5 Feb. 2003, Brussels Expectations l Critical review of current separation standards and their justification l Coherent methodology for the definition of separation minima l Proposal for revised standards based current capability and coherent assumptions l Identification of and proposals for separation minima required for new operational concepts l Recommendation for validation (safety, capacity, efficiency ….) Reduced Separation Minima New Generation ATM

10 DIRECTORATE GENERAL FOR ENERGY AND TRANSPORT Information Day 6th Framework Programme 1st Call for Proposals, 5 Feb. 2003, Brussels Airport of the Future - A-SMGCS Efficient use of existing runway and taxiway infrastructures whilst harmonising European airport environments (common requirements) Surveillance and control systems Planning and routing functions Field trials with test aircraft

11 DIRECTORATE GENERAL FOR ENERGY AND TRANSPORT Information Day 6th Framework Programme 1st Call for Proposals, 5 Feb. 2003, Brussels Joint Co-ordination Body - JCB n Set up by the European Commission to better co-ordinate the various EC funded ADS-B projects (RTD and TEN-T), and increase synergies. l Chair: European Commission l Secretariat: Eurocontrol (ADS Programme) l Participants: NUP II, Medup, MFF, MA-AFAS, DADI II, GTG, MAEVA, Eurocontrol ADS Programme, AGC, COSPACE, CARE-ASAS, AEA, IATA n Role: To provide a co-ordinated ADS-B focus and provide input to: l European Commission - Industry Consultation Body. l Eurocontrol - ATM/CNS Consultation Group (ACG)

12 DIRECTORATE GENERAL FOR ENERGY AND TRANSPORT Information Day 6th Framework Programme 1st Call for Proposals, 5 Feb. 2003, Brussels Joint Programme Board EC and Eurocontrol to create a Joint Programme Board to manage their RTD programmes jointly: l European master plan l Alignment to the Strategic Research Agenda l Control of 75% of European ATM RTD funding Ultimately management of EC projects to be carried out by Eurocontrol programme managers

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