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Fact of the Day The average raindrop falls at 7 miles per hour.

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1 Fact of the Day The average raindrop falls at 7 miles per hour.

2 On this day Britons overwhelmingly voted to remain part of the European Economic Community on this day in 1975 following the first and so far only referendum over membership. Just over 67 per cent of the public voted to remain in the forerunner to the European Union – in stark contrast to today’s widespread aversion to Brussels.

3 Quote of the day

4 Student of the Week This weeks students are:- Aisling McGrath Max Simpson Merryl Simpson Jessie Thewlis Casey Shaw Brittany Dunbar Rebecca Eames Carsten Fellows Rochelle McGrath Well done!

5 Funny images!

6 Attendance- World Class!

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