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Production process for SBS item 9 of the agenda Structural Business Statistics Working Group 14 April 2015, Luxembourg Tatiana Mrlianová.

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Presentation on theme: "Production process for SBS item 9 of the agenda Structural Business Statistics Working Group 14 April 2015, Luxembourg Tatiana Mrlianová."— Presentation transcript:

1 Production process for SBS item 9 of the agenda Structural Business Statistics Working Group 14 April 2015, Luxembourg Tatiana Mrlianová

2 Production process for SBS In November 2012, the SBS Steering Group agreed on new distribution of validation tasks between Member States and Eurostat Member States are fully in charge of validation levels 0 to 2 including the confidentiality pattern starting with the final 2013 SBS data due in June 2015 on practical level, NSIs and MSs involved in the implementation process for more than 2 years

3 Production process for SBS In this presentation, Eurostat wants to repeat the responsibilities of both parties in the data validation process The technical format of data transmitted to Eurostat:.csv file All validation checks were implemented in the EDIT validation tool

4 Production process for SBS NSIs have the main responsibility for the data validation but Eurostat will still validate a sample of data before dissemination At the beginning, a large sample of countries will be selected for double checking the validation: countries that do not use EDIT tool, with a new person, or based on the previous experience (several versions sent for the previous ref. year),etc.

5 Production process for SBS The number of double checked countries should decrease in a time NSIs should send reports with explanations for warnings found during the validation process (either using the EDIT or a national tool) as a zip file if no EDIT used, the list "Validation checks" for SBS data should be sent (attached in Email sent to MSs) Estat compares the reports generated in house with the reports sent by NSI

6 Production process for SBS If a report by NSI is missing, Eurostat will produce and send a report to NSI asking for explanations of the warnings

7 Production process for SBS Which information should be provided: -Changes in thresholds -Inclusion of other categories of enterprises -Re-classification of large enterprises that explain strong fluctuations in certain NACE classes -Methodological changes: new compilation methods or data sources

8 Production process for SBS In particular, breaks in series should be well identified and documented Numerous users stressed this would help them to better analyse the data The focus should not be therefore on issues that are repetitive but issues that are unique

9 Production process for SBS NUTS 2013 classification entered into force in 2015, therefore the 2013 SBS data to be provided in 2015 should incorporate the necessary changes: NUTS1 level: EL, FR NUTS2 level: EL, FR, SI, UK

10 Production process for SBS For the voluntary tourism aggregate: T_LRG: Tourism industries (total incl. 4931) should be discontinued

11 Production process for SBS Data transmission: -final data for Annexes I to IV: 30 June 2015 -preliminary data for ref. year 2014 Annexes I to IV: 30 October 2015

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