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Unit 12 Birthday presents. Review the last lesson : 1. ( ) --- Don’t forget to come here. --- _______. A. Yes, I won’t. B. Yes, I will. C. No, I will.

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1 Unit 12 Birthday presents

2 Review the last lesson : 1. ( ) --- Don’t forget to come here. --- _______. A. Yes, I won’t. B. Yes, I will. C. No, I will. D. No, I won’t. 2. ( ) --- Would you like some bananas? --- ________. A. Yes. B. yes, please. C. No. D. No,thank you. 3. ( ) What do you get ____ your birthday ? D D A A. for B. of C. by

3 翻译句子 : 1 他很喜欢吃香蕉 。 2 我们早上经常吃蛋糕 。 3 她有许多的卡片吗 ? 4 你想要一些连环画书吗 ? He likes eating bananas very much. We often eat cakes in the morning. Does she have many cards ? Would you like some comic books ?

4 It’s a present. present ( 礼物 ) They are presents.

5 In the supermarket, we can buy a lot of things. buy (买)

6 A : Tomorrow is Millie’s birthday,right ? B : Yes, it is. I want to buy her a present. = I want to buy a present for her.

7 buy + 人 + 物 = buy + 物 + for + 人 I want to buy her some cards. I want to buy some cards for her. Do you buy any snacks for them ? Do you buy them any snacks ? 1. 我想给她买一些卡片 。 2. 你为他们买零食了吗 ?

8 3. 他想为妈妈买一个礼物 。 He wants to buy a present for his mother. He wants to buy his mother a present.

9 It’s a toy shop. a toy shop ( 玩具店 )

10 At a toy shop, we can buy a lot of toys and presents for our friends. We can buy ___ ____ _____ of toys and _____. our friends lots presents

11 A : What do you want to buy ? B : I want to buy her a teddy bear. I ____ to buy ___ teddy bear ____ her. want her for

12 A : Oh, that’s nice. I want to buy her some stickers. B : Where can we buy these presents ? A : At the toy shop near our school. B : When do you want to go shopping ? A : After school.

13 Would you like to go with me ? ( 你愿意和我一起去吗 ?) Would you like to + 动词原型 ( 你愿意。。。 吗 ? )

14 1. 你愿意和我去购物吗 ? 2 你愿意现在吃早饭吗 ? 3 你愿意和我去参观博物馆吗 ? Would you like to go shopping with me ? Would you like to have breakfast now ? Would you like to visit the museum with me ?

15 _________ is _____ birthday, right ? Yes, ___ is. I ___ to buy ___ a _____. Tomorrow Millie’s it want her present

16 _____ do you want ____ ____ ? I ____ to buy ____ a teddy ______. What to buy want her bear

17 Oh, that’s ___. I ____ to ___ her some _____. ____ can we buy ____ the toy ___ these ______ ? ____ our school. nice want buy stickers Where presents At shop near

18 ____ do you want to ____ ______. ____ school. _____ you like ___ go ____ me ? When go shopping After Would to with Yes.

19 本课归纳 : Millie’s birthday, want to + 动原 buy + 人 + 物 = buy + 物 + for+ 人 对时间提问 : when go shopping ( 购物),go fishing (钓鱼) go swimming ( 去游泳 ), at / in the toy shop, Would you like to + 动原 Would you like + 名词 forget to + 动原,

20 Thank you for your coming !

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