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Researcher, psychiatrist or interrogator? NICK MUNBY ELTAF Conference 08.09.2012

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Presentation on theme: "Researcher, psychiatrist or interrogator? NICK MUNBY ELTAF Conference 08.09.2012"— Presentation transcript:

1 Researcher, psychiatrist or interrogator? NICK MUNBY ELTAF Conference 08.09.2012

2 Generating language Muvaffakiyetsizleştiricileştiriveremeye bileceklerimizdenmişsinizcesine

3 (you are talking) as if you are one of those people who we can not easily convert into an unsuccessful-person-maker (someone who un-educates people to make them unsuccessful) Generating language

4 What did you do at the weekend?

5 Aims To look at ways of steering the conversation To help give the discourse a shape To help our students feel they’ve said something worth saying


7 How can we draw them out?




11 Bloom’s ladder

12 Knowledge and comprehension What kind of drugs do you produce here? What different kinds of packaging do you use? What materials are used? What properties do the various materials have? Are these properties absolute or relative?

13 Application Which packaging materials do you use for which drugs? Which of the properties of the materials are relevant and why? What would be the consequences if another packaging was used?

14 Analysis and synthesis What proportion of the product cost does the packaging represent? How does that break down between materials and production costs? Can you imagine a product which required incompatible packaging demands? How would you reconcile these different requirements?

15 Evaluation What further considerations affect choice of packaging materials? How rational are the compliance requirements in your various markets?


17 How can we apply this? Cueing and prompting Probing Inviting a position Challenging

18 Cueing Modelling Offering anecdotes Sparking an interest Triggering

19 Frameworks Stories need: Context Participants Story so far Trigger of main events Main events Outcome Consequences

20 Probing What’s missing in the account? Is anything avoided? How are events related causally? Could there be a different interpretation? Are there any unremarked patterns?

21 Inviting a position The arguments for a decision reached The explanation of the particular design of a project The reasoning behind a new procedure introduced Justification for the selection of a specific option

22 Challenging Undeclared assumptions Insufficient data Inconsistencies Over-generalisation Shaky logic

23 Cognitive traps

24 Reasoning A study of the incidence of kidney cancer in the 3,141 counties of the US revealed a remarkable pattern. The lowest incidence is mostly found in rural, sparsely populated Midwest, Southern and Western States. Can you suggest possible reasons?

25 Reasoning The highest incidence of kidney cancer in the 3,141 counties of the US is mostly found in rural, sparsely populated Midwest, Southern and Western States.

26 Books on reasoning Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman (Penguin) Risk by Dan Gardner (Penguin) Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely (Harper)




30 Activity What do they listen for? What are we listening for?

31 Perhaps… vagueness evasion emotion interest level doubt certainty metaphor

32 Playing the role of the inner voice

33 Over to you

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