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Birth Control Jasmine Pascua. Question: Should birth control be available to adolescent females?

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Presentation on theme: "Birth Control Jasmine Pascua. Question: Should birth control be available to adolescent females?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Birth Control Jasmine Pascua

2 Question: Should birth control be available to adolescent females?

3 Teen Pregnancy  29 births per 1000 teenage girls (2012)  305,420  1/5 repeated births  89% extramarital

4 School Distribution  New York  Plan B  53 schools – 40 no parental consent. 13 “opt-out”.  Massachusetts Youth Risk Behavior Survey  4,166 respondents (high school)  50% Sexually Experienced  > 50% had consistently used contraceptives  ¾ condoms  ¼ other (oral, injections, etc.)

5 Women Controlled Safe Sex “Aims to empower women to gain control of their sexual lives.” 5 Attributes:  Technology  Access to choices  Women at risk  “Condom migration”  Communication

6 Catholicism “A Culture of Death”  A mentality of the freedom from responsibility  Natural Family Planning (NFP)  Contraception is:  Insidious & dangerous  D.E.A.T.H.  Promiscuity > Extramarital sex > Abortions > Death

7 Nang Insing

8 Above all, society must learn to embrace once more the great gift of life, to cherish it, to protect it, and to defend it against the culture of death, itself an expression of the great fear that stalks our times... A society with a diminished sense of the value of human life at its earliest stages has already opened the door to a culture of death. — Pope John Paul II, October 1998.

9 Catholicism When American Catholics were asked:  Practice artificial contraception and still be a good catholic?  84% Yes 11% No 5% I don’t know  Disagree with the pope on issues and still be a good catholic?  83% Yes 13% No 4% I don’t know  Have you used a contraceptive method before (excluding NFP)?  98% Yes 2% No

10 “RELAX!” Sept. 2013

11 Works Cited: Alexander, Kamila A., et al. "Moving Beyond Safe Sex To Women-Controlled Safe Sex: A Concept Analysis." Journal Of Advanced Nursing 68.8 (2012): 1858-1869. Academic Search Premier. Web. 26 Apr. 2014. BAUTISTA, Julius. "Church And State In The Philippines: Tackling Life Issues In A "Culture Of Death." SOJOURN: Journal Of Social Issues In Southeast Asia 25.1 (2010): 29-53. Academic Search Premier. Web. 30 Apr. 2014. BAUTISTA, Julius. "Church And State In The Philippines: Tackling Life Issues In A "Culture Of Death." SOJOURN: Journal Of Social Issues In Southeast Asia 25.1 (2010): 29-53. Academic Search Premier. Web. 17 Apr. 2014. Corbin, Caroline Mala. "The Contraception Mandate." Northwestern University Law Review 107.3 (2013): 1469-1483. Academic Search Premier. Web. 10 Apr. 2014. Hartocollis, Anemona, and Michaelle Bond. "Ready Access to Plan B Pills in City Schools." New York Times. 12 Jul. 2013: A.1. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 02 Apr. 2014. Hollander, Dore. "Sexual Behavior Is Safer When Students Can Get Condoms At Their Schools." Perspectives On Sexual & Reproductive Health 35.5 (2003): 236-237. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Apr. 2014.

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