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You are on a team of two to three newscasters in Thebes, Greece in 468 B.C. (around the time when Sophocles began his career) You are presenting a special.

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Presentation on theme: "You are on a team of two to three newscasters in Thebes, Greece in 468 B.C. (around the time when Sophocles began his career) You are presenting a special."— Presentation transcript:

1 You are on a team of two to three newscasters in Thebes, Greece in 468 B.C. (around the time when Sophocles began his career) You are presenting a special edition of your telecast chronicling the events Oedipus the King. The director of the telecast has given each team the segments that should be covered either of the following

2 A. The events of Oedipus the King (this part should be given chronologically) The telecast must highlight four stories from the plot of the play. Example: Oedipus solves the riddle of the sphinx and is hailed as a hero.

3 B. Two interviews of a significant character from the play Each interview must be at least three questions long. The questions should be thoughtful enough that the interviewee would need to answer it with more than a simple sentence. Bad example – Q: How are you, Oedipus? A: I’m depressed. A detailed, specific question and answer is the key.

4 The telecast will be presented live. Create a background for your telecast on a computer to display through the projector as you present. It should be at least somewhat related to the topic of the telecast.

5 A script of the telecast must be submitted at the time of presentation. (The script need not include a full transcript. It is more of an outlined plan showing the organization and topics. The only thing I do need in full written detail is the interview questions/answers. )

6 Memorizing your lines is not required. However, practice delivering your portion of the telecast while maintaining some eye contact. Be sure you are clearly heard and understood while speaking. is a VERY user-friendly teleprompter website. You can use this to display your notes on a computer towards the audience and set it at varying speeds. This will help you maintain eye contact. Shifting your head position to look at different sections of the audience will help indicate that you’re not going through your stories for the first time!

7 *Consider whether your telecast take place before the full play has finished unfolding (to allow for breaking news or interviews), or will it occur after the events have concluded in their entirety?

8 I will award extra credit to INDIVIDUAL grades should you choose to dress in a costume. Tell me in advance if you plan to do this. (Presentations due Thursday)

9 Be detailed and creative. Have fun with the project while maintaining professionalism. Real news anchors do both…you can too!

10 ABCF A. The Events… (40 points) ________ Feature four stories of high importance to the text or its background. Details are accurate, thorough and complete. Feature three-four stories of high importance to the text or its background. Most details are thorough and complete, with only minor inaccuracies or omissions. Feature two-three stories of high importance to the text or its background. Details are minimal, or severe inaccuracies are present. Are negatively affected by incompleteness, inaccuracies or being off-topic. B. The Interview s… (40 points) ________ The interview questions are asked and answered completely. Questions are engaging and realistic based upon the text of the play. The answers are thoughtful, giving detail. The interview questions are asked and answered completely. Questions are appropriate and based upon the text of the play. The answers provide logical responses to the questions. The interview questions and answers lack completeness. Questions may be appropriate, but are lack depth. Answers are shallow or lack consideration. Are incomplete or off-topic.

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