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Session#, Title Name of Session Chair Organization Verdana 18 Cape Town, South Africa 12–14 December 2011 Title Paper 1/Presenter, organization Title Paper.

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Presentation on theme: "Session#, Title Name of Session Chair Organization Verdana 18 Cape Town, South Africa 12–14 December 2011 Title Paper 1/Presenter, organization Title Paper."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session#, Title Name of Session Chair Organization Verdana 18 Cape Town, South Africa 12–14 December 2011 Title Paper 1/Presenter, organization Title Paper 2/Presenter, organization Verdana 20 ITU Kaleidoscope 2011 The fully networked human? Innovations for future networks and services

2 Highlights from Paper 1 “Title of Paper” (Verdana 32)  Level 1 text to appear in Verdana font, Point size 28 (List the main issues/ conclusions from the presentation, not more than one slide per presentation)  If too much text gets added, the fonts size gets reduced, alerting the author that it is time to continue on an additional slide.  Level 2 text numbered/bulleted to appear in Verdana font, Point size 24 Cape Town, South Africa, 12-14 December 2011 ITU Kaleidoscope 2011 – The fully networked human? Innovations for future networks and services

3 Highlights from Paper 2 “Title of Paper” (Verdana 32)  Level 1 text to appear in Verdana font, Point size 28 (List the main issues/ conclusions from the presentation, not more than one slide per presentation)  If too much text gets added, the fonts size gets reduced, alerting the author that it is time to continue on an additional slide.  Level 2 text numbered/bulleted to appear in Verdana font, Point size 24 Cape Town, South Africa, 12-14 December 2011 ITU Kaleidoscope 2011 – The fully networked human? Innovations for future networks and services

4 Conclusions/Recommendations  Level 1 text to appear in Verdana font, Point size 28. Add here your general conclusions, closing remarks, etc (as many slides as needed). Please try to be/use action-oriented language. Keep the message simple, short and to-the-point.  Please use separate slides for observations and for action recommendations (to clearly identify follow-up action points). Cape Town, South Africa, 12-14 December 2011 ITU Kaleidoscope 2011 – The fully networked human? Innovations for future networks and services

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