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Aim; to investigate who or what was most responsible for the mass loss of life To do this you will need to: Know what the titanic was like Know why it.

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Presentation on theme: "Aim; to investigate who or what was most responsible for the mass loss of life To do this you will need to: Know what the titanic was like Know why it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim; to investigate who or what was most responsible for the mass loss of life To do this you will need to: Know what the titanic was like Know why it sunk Know who was to blame for the mass loss of life Use evidence to back up your argument Evaluate the evidence you have used to judge their reliability Come up with your own conclusion The Titanic

2 Lesson Objectives All will be able to know what the Titanic was like and what caused it to sink All will be able to know what the Titanic was like and what caused it to sink Most will be able to know how the ships design contributed to its own downfall, and who played a role in its sinking Most will be able to know how the ships design contributed to its own downfall, and who played a role in its sinking Some could be able to link factors together and come up with an evaluation of who was most to blame for the loss of life. Some could be able to link factors together and come up with an evaluation of who was most to blame for the loss of life.

3 Level Contextual KnowledgeWriting and communicationUsing sources Cause and consequence, significance and interpretation L8 7a 7b I have an outstanding understanding of the historical enquiry studied. My knowledge of names, dates and events is excellent and I am able to deploy these with precision and accuracy to support my responses. I have a developed understanding of the topic through independent research. I am able to frame my own questions using my knowledge of GCSE style questions and the subject content. My writing is very well structured. My writing is precise and coherent, which helps my answers flow (PEE). There is clear evidence of planning which has led excellent use of connectives, and links between paragraphs. Vocabulary is sophisticated and well selected. Use of spelling, grammar and historical key words is flawless. Evaluation and explanations are fully developed, relate back to the argument with signs of analysis. I can read a source and analyse the message the author is trying to get across. I can successfully and consistently evaluate sources for reliability and usefulness using terms such as ‘purpose’, ‘tone’, ‘language’, ‘origin’ and ‘nature’. I can cross reference sources by comparing and contrasting the information concisely. I can find and evaluate additional sources myself to help support my answers. I have shown different interpretations of the argument by using well selected evidence from a variety of sources. I can give an answer that provides a developed analysis of a wide range of the causes and/or consequences. These are fully evaluated to make connections and draw conclusions. Prioritisation is clearly evident. I can independently identify historical interpretations and critically explain reasons for these interpretations. I can develop my own interpretations, whilst supporting these with relevant subject knowledge. I can evaluate the importance of an event/individual/period in comparison to other events/individuals/periods using criteria for significance. 7c 6a 6b 6c I have a developed a detailed understanding of the historical enquiry we have just studied. I have shown evidence of independent research. I can show an appreciation of how this topic might link into other periods studied, chronologically and thematically. I have structured my work clearly using sentences and paragraphs. (PEE) My spelling and grammar is very good. Paragraphs are often linked together through the use of connectives. I have included a developed conclusion. I can read a range of sources and make inferences from them, and explain the message and link it into the question. I can use a wide range of sources to help me reach and support a conclusion. Which evaluates different interpretations. I can question and explain reliability and usefulness of sources. I can find relevant additional sources myself to answer questions, whilst being able to select relevant quotes to enhance my argument. I can give an answer that explains a range of the causes and/or consequences of events, and prioritise which were most important. I can explain, in detail, how and why different historical interpretations have been produced. I can develop my own, well considered, interpretation. I can produced a developed explanation as to why an event/individual/period studied is significant. My explanation will consider a range different factors. 5a 5b 5c 4a I have a developing understanding of the historical enquiry we have just studied. I have a developing understanding of key dates, names and events. I am beginning to deploy my knowledge to support my answers. I have used sentences and paragraphs appropriately to produce a structured answer. My grammar is good. I know how to spell most of the key words. I can read sources and understand their meaning. I am beginning to recognise and explain why some sources may not be reliable. I am starting to be able to identify relevant material to quote to back up my answers. I can select and combine information from sources to produce an answer to a question. I can show understanding of a variety of causes and/or consequences. I can describe and begin to explain the reasons why different historical interpretations have been produced. I am beginning to develop my own interpretations. I can begin to explain why an event/individual/period was significant. 4b 4c 3a I am able to name some people, places, events and dates that are relevant to the topic studied. I have a sense of the chronology of the period. I am beginning to write paragraphs and use sentences suitably. I have attempted to use punctuation and grammar. I know how to spell some of the key words. I have shown a use of sources in my answers which help me describe what happened in the past. I can read some sources and understand their meaning. I can use the information in sources to answer a question. I can identify/describe several causes and/or consequences of events and changes. I can show understanding of two versions of the past. I can describe more than one interpretation of the past. I can identify and begin to describe a reason why the event/individual/period studied was significant. Below target (1 point)Working towards (2 points)On target (3 points)Above target (4 points) WWW?EBI? Year 9 historyKey Question:Assessment focus: Name:Year 9 Target:

4 Who/what was most responsible for the mass loss of life? Paragraph 1: You must outline why the Titanic was such a famous ship, say where it was going. Provide evidence of what it was like inside and explain what this tells us about society at the time Paragraph 2: You must state factually why the ship sunk. What physically caused it to sink? How long did it take? Why did this cause it to sink? How many people died? Paragraph 3: You must outline a factor which played a big part in the loss of life. Provide evidence and explain why. Paragraph 4: You must outline another factor which played a big part in the loss of life. Provide evidence and explain why. Paragraph 5: You must defend someone. Who out of all of the suspects was least to blame? Why do you think this is the case? Paragraph 6: (conclusion) You must state who you think was most to blame and why. Try to link factors together

5 Paragraph 1: The Titanic was a grand old ship. This is backed up by the fact that Edwardian Society was very divided this is backed up by the fact that Paragraph 1: The Titanic was a grand old ship. This is backed up by the fact that Edwardian Society was very divided this is backed up by the fact that Paragraph 2: The Titanic sunk when it. This caused a lot of damage, in fact This meant that it sank because This caused a lot of people to die. In total Paragraph 2: The Titanic sunk when it. This caused a lot of damage, in fact This meant that it sank because This caused a lot of people to die. In total Paragraph 3: One person who was to blame for the mass loss of life was They were guilty because Paragraph 3: One person who was to blame for the mass loss of life was They were guilty because Paragraph 5: One person who played a role in the boat sinking but was not really guilty was I don’t think they were that guilty because Paragraph 5: One person who played a role in the boat sinking but was not really guilty was I don’t think they were that guilty because Who/what was most responsible for the mass loss of life? Paragraph 6: (conclusion) Overall the main reason why the boat sunk was because of This is because Paragraph 6: (conclusion) Overall the main reason why the boat sunk was because of This is because Paragraph 3: Another person who was to blame for the mass loss of life was They were guilty because Paragraph 3: Another person who was to blame for the mass loss of life was They were guilty because

6 Make a point What is your evidence? Explain what this tells us? Paragraph 1 outline why the Titanic was such a famous ship Paragraph 2 Why did the Titanic sink? Factual paragraph Evidence for this is… The Titanic a glorious and magnificent ship This shows that… This happened (where, when?) The Titanic sunk because… This meant that… Paragraph 3 Culprit/factor number 1 Now, we must decide who was to blame! Evidence for this is… The loss of life was down to This meant they were guilty because… Who was most responsible for mass loss of life?

7 Make a point What is your evidence? Explain what this tells us? Reach a Conclusion In my opinion the person most to blame is… The reasons this are… (can you link this into any other factors?) Can you provide evidence of individual research? Paragraph 4 Culprit/factor number 2 The sinking of the Titanic was due to the actions of …… Evidence for this is… This meant they were guilty because… Paragraph 5 Falsely accused One person I do not think to blame was Evidence for this is… They should not be blamed because…

8 What do you already know? Titanic Write down any facts you know about the titanic already

9 At the time of her construction, Titanic was the largest passenger steamship in the world. Titanic’s maximum speed was 23 knots (26 MPH) Why was Titanic so special?

10 The Titanic The Titanic was the most luxurious liner of the time. The first class staterooms were sumptuously furnished while third class passengers remarked that their cabins were like second class cabins on any other ship. The total cost of the RMS Titanic was $7.5 million (1912) At the time of her construction, she was the largest passenger steamship in the world Owned by White Star Line

11 Titanic’s Maiden voyage Southampton Titanic began her maiden voyage from Southampton, England, bound for New York on 10 April 1912, with Captain Edward J. Smith in command. On the maiden voyage of the Titanic some of the most prominent (important) people of the day were travelling in first-class


13 First Class First class had very grand surroundings rich furnishings, electric fireplace, writing table and adult living area. Separate quarters were also available for servants. A first class parlour suite cost £870 while a first class berth cost £30 There were 325 first class passengers on board - 175 men, 144 women and 6 children


15 Features of the Titanic First swimming pool on a ship A floating palace The gym The grand staircase Turkish baths Cafe and restaurants

16 Third Class There were 706 third class passengers on board - 462 men, 165 women and 79 children tickets cost between 3 and 8 pound The accommodation in third class was no where near as grand as first class. Each of the 222 Third Class cabins were provided with heat, electrical lighting, fresh water basins and bunk beds with blankets and pillows but no sheets or pillow cases.

17 Why did the Titanic sink? At 11:40, Titanic struck an iceberg. Just after midnight, preparations for evacuation began. Two and a half hours later, Titanic finally sank

18 Water flooded five of the watertight compartments, one third of the ship. If it had been one less, the pumps may have been able to take effect. However, the water rose too quickly and spilled over the tops of the bulkheads into the other compartments, flooding the whole ship.

19 Although Titanic carried more lifeboats than she was required to, the total capacity would only carry 52% of passengers on a full cruise.

20 The sea was -2 degrees. Submersion caused death in around 2-15 minutes. Only four people were rescued from the water out of 1500. One was the ship’s baker, who had drunk whisky during the sinking. The alcohol helped to keep his blood circulating.

21 The sinking This is an original SOS Morse code call made to ships in the vicinity of the Titanic.

22 Deaths 2,223 706 1,517 perished (died) Of a total of 2,223 people aboard the Titanic only 706 survived the disaster and 1,517 perished (died)


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