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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Next Marie Curie Coffee Mornings: Monday.

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Presentation on theme: "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Next Marie Curie Coffee Mornings: Monday."— Presentation transcript:

1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Next Marie Curie Coffee Mornings: Monday 21 st March and Monday 18 th April, 10.30am to 12.30pm. Website: February / March 2016 Brentford Dock Newsletter February / March 2016 Website: Brentford Dock Residents’ Association & Social Events Balcony works and Julius Point clearance 14 it is cold outside, but a quick visual inspection of the Dock showed that approximately 20% of flats have their windows open. The heating of the Dock makes up a significant proportion of the Service Charge. If flats are too hot this can be regulated by fitting and adjusting radiator thermostatic valves. These are relatively cheap to purchase costing between £10 to £40 depending on the manufacturer. Each room can be adjusted for your comfort. Many flats also have no working thermostat on the hot water tanks. This will cause long term damage to your tank because it is similar to having a kettle boiling away continually. Again new thermostats can be purchased for between £70 to £150. Both these items will save money and the environment. Contact the Office if you need help to find a plumber. Dock Shop: Telephone: 020 8758 2997 Newspaper deliveries; some of you have made enquiries about the shop delivering newspapers. The shop owner is happy to consider offering this service, but it will require a reasonable number of residents wanting this service to make it cost effective. If you think that you would like to take advantage of a paper delivery service could you please let the shop know or contact the Office; Telephone: 020 8568 5096. 3 Justin Close (old office conversion) ‘Brentford Dock Enterprises Ltd’ has now put this property on the market with local estate agents Xavi & Co. Details can be viewed at, the details are also on the notice board outside the management office. With recent day time temperatures down to 3-4C it is noticeable how many apartments on the Dock have their windows open, often all day. Obviously it may be necessary to open a window for a short while, even when Comfortable room temperature Please see list of events attached All the trees and bushes that were growing out of our riverbank wall by Julius Court have been removed, and the stumps have been environmentally treated to supress further growth. This was necessary to protect the wall as the roots and trunks were causing damage. Now the weather has improved, we have contractors on the Dock making repairs to balconies. Apologies for any inconvenience caused by these works. The electrical upgrades continue and again thank you for your understanding during the short periods when TV and internet reception is lost due to this work.

2 We have had several enquiries regarding Peter the cleaner who has been sweeping on the Dock for over 15 years, as he has not been seen for several weeks. Peter is well, but is looking after his elderly mother at the moment. Facilicom have given Peter as much time as he needs and offered him any support that he requires. 3 2 Some issues which have been noted by, or reported to us:  The Canal and River Trust are aware of the boat that has sunk causing an unsightly mess on the canal side by Galba Court. They are already in the legal process of getting the boat removed and are in discussions with MSO Marine regarding getting their assistance to move the boat.  The Council has contractors on the Dock painting all their lamp posts black.  A reminder- all Dock pets must be controlled by their owners and they are responsible for ensuring that no nuisance is caused to other Dockers. Residents’ Comments / Housekeeping Issues Dog Owners Nationwide windows. Those of you who had Nationwide windows fitted last year, should now all have received your CERTASS insurance certificate (providing that you have paid your bill in full). If this is not the case please contact Mark Welch at or telephone 01788 569228. Invitations and application forms for gate passes and annual membership of Syon Park, will be going out to residents with the next newsletter in mid March. Syon Park are not increasing the charges next season (1 st April to 31 st March) and are going to be offering a discount scheme for the shop to members. Details are to still to be finalised. Peter the cleaner Spring Spring will be with us soon and some of you will be considering purchasing window boxes. Thank you to those that are already using the saddle bag type pots/troughs as shown above, and we would request that only these types of containers are bought. They are much safer than traditional pots as they will not fall off balconies. Can you also ensure that existing containers are securely fixed so that they don’t cause a danger. After your efforts last year we had none of the dangerous incidents that we had seen in previous years – so thank you to all who took note of H&S. The Board of Directors would like to assess the views of dog owners who live on the Dock, to assist with the development of future ideas. There will be a meeting in the Clubroom on Wednesday 9 th March, starting at 6.30pm. All residents are welcome but particularly dog owners. Also we have had to lock the area between Romulus Court (photo above) and the Canal that was designated as a dog free zone because pet owners continued to use this area for exercising their dogs and didn’t clear up their dog’s mess.

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