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Topic: The Silk Road Session 52 Date: ItemOriginated in the US Originated in another culture 1. chewing gum 2. chocolate 3. shampoo 4. sandwich 5. doughnut.

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Presentation on theme: "Topic: The Silk Road Session 52 Date: ItemOriginated in the US Originated in another culture 1. chewing gum 2. chocolate 3. shampoo 4. sandwich 5. doughnut."— Presentation transcript:

1 Topic: The Silk Road Session 52 Date: ItemOriginated in the US Originated in another culture 1. chewing gum 2. chocolate 3. shampoo 4. sandwich 5. doughnut 6. zipper 7. fork Categorize these everyday items found and used in the United States according to their country of origin. Which do you think originated in the United States? Which do you think originated in another culture? How do you think these everyday items became a part of our culture?

2 ItemOriginated in the US Originated in another culture 1. chewing gum noAncient Maya 2. chocolatenoOlmec Indians 3. shampoonoEngland 4. sandwichnoEngland 5. doughnutnoMiddle East 6. zipperyesUnited States 7. forknoGreece Check it out: How do these everyday items become a part of our everyday culture? trade war migration media

3 Zhou Qin Han Categorize the following according to the dynasty: philosophyMandate of Heavenaggressive Warring StatesLegalismVirtueexpansion Terra-cotta soldiersfeudalismConfucianismseismograph censorshipstandardizationbureaucracy pietycivil service exam


5 Objective: In our study of Ancient China's economy, SWBAT analyze the importance of the Silk Road to trade and economic growth in Ancient China, the impact it had on cultural diffusion throughout the ancient world and how innovations had an impact on the Chinese economy by reading selections, mapping the Silk Road routes and completing a graphic organizer.

6 Vocabulary: Use your background knowledge of prefixes from language arts and the symbols below to determine the meaning of each term. Discuss with your teammates. export import monopoly

7 export: To send a product to another country that originated in your country. import: To buy a product from another country and bring it to your country. monopoly: Having complete control of a product or a service. Vocab:

8 Silk Road - Network of trade routes that stretched more than 4,000 miles across Asia that led to exchange of goods and ideas.

9 G oing to Market Imagine you are the Chinese trader Zhang Lian traveling in the first century: Why is Zhang Lien worried about his trip and why would he travel if he is so nervous? What can you determine about trade in Ancient China from this story passage? Would you take this trade journey? Class Vote: ______ _____

10 "Tomorrow I leave for Samarkand. I cannot believe my next trip is already upon me! It seems like only yesterday that I last returned from the desert. What a journey that was—my camels were loaded with gold and silver when I returned, and I even brought back some cinnamon and other spices purchased from the Indian merchant Ashoka. We talked about many subjects as we both rested and got fresh supplies before leaving the town we were staying in. He shared some interesting ideas about a new philosophy called Buddhism. I hope to meet him again. I have a lot of questions to ask, and my customers want more of his spices. I have plotted my route along the Silk Road. However, I am a little nervous setting out. Yesterday I heard of a caravan being attacked near Turpan, my first stop. The attackers stole all of their silk and killed three of the traders. I will follow the Great Wall as much as I can, but even the wall does not guarantee my protection. My family worries I will not be safe. Yet, how can I not go? I have many bolts of raw silk, and they will fetch a good price at market. Plus, my customers here will pay a great deal for the colored glass that comes from Europe, if I am able to obtain some. My camels are loaded up for the long journey ahead. All that is left is to say goodbye in the morning. The first leg of my journey will be several days. Then, I will stop in Turpan to feed and water my animals—and perhaps find out more about the dangers on the road ahead before setting out across the desert once more. Next month, if all goes well, I shall return safely with money for my family and more goods for my customers here."

11 C opy the following the chart. Answer each question in complete sentence form. Silk Road 1. 2. 3.

12 The Silk Road As we view the videos, please respond to the following questions in your composition book. 1. How did the land expansion help increase trade during the time of the Han? 2. How did China attempt to protect their traders? Why was it so important to protect traders? 3. Why do you think the Chinese rulers had such harsh punishments for those who shared information about the production of silk? Was their punishment fair?

13 Got Silk? Notes: L uxury item - rare/expensive Silk cloth is strong, but also warm, light and soft Ancient Chinese had the monopoly on silk. Protect trade value - Production process kept secret/ revealing it would result in punishment by death Why Silk?

14 WB: What conclusions can you draw about the importance/impact of the Silk Road on Ancient China?

15 Travelling Along the Silk Road Tra vel to the six trading centers along the silk road. After visiting each trading post, compose a journal entry reflecting on your experience at that post. What can you infer from the reading? What would you have traded? Who would you have met? What might you have learned?

16 WIO W rite it out! 3-2-1 3 things you learned about The Silk Road 2 things you learned about China's Economy 1 new word you learned today

17 Zhou Qin Han Contributions of Ancient China Assessment: Use your notes from all Ancient China sessions to complete the chart below.

18 Homework: DE 7.3 Assignment must be completed.


20 Attachments China The_Silk_Road_and_Trade.wmv The_Silk_Road.wmv

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