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Animation Fall Semester Exam Review James Martin High School Career and Technical Education.

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1 Animation Fall Semester Exam Review James Martin High School Career and Technical Education

2 Adobe Illustrator

3 Adobe Illustrator is a vector based drawing program. What makes it different from a paint program? Paint programs are bitmap and create objects that have a fixed number of pixels assigned that neither add nor subtract pixels when resized. Vector programs are mathematically based and create resizable objects that recalculate the number of pixels needed when resized. Bitmap (Paint) objects will stretch pixels when enlarged, and become pixelated. Vector (Draw) objects will just add pixels as needed.

4 Illustrator has two screen views, what are they? Outline Preview

5 Which of the two views in Adobe Illustrator allows you to see only the stroke of a drawing, but no color? Outline view Outline view is better for making detail changes to a drawings since only the stroke can be selected. In Preview, fill colors tend to make selecting individual parts in a drawing more troublesome.

6 Unlike a Paint program, objects in Illustrator can be modified. How is the color of an object changed in Illustrator? First, the object must be selected. Second, select a color from either the color palette or the various pre-mixed color swatches. Or, borrow (copy) a color from another object by clicking on it using the eye dropper tool.

7 Drawing objects can be done several ways. Objects can be drawn free handed or by using pre-set tools such as the Rectangle Tool. What is the recommend procedure for drawing a SQUARE? Select the Rectangle Tool Hold down on the Shift Key Drag the cursor to the desired size and the object will be restricted to equal sides in the rectangle being drawn. Hence, a square will be drawn. Or… Select the Rectangle Tool and click one time in the drawing area. A dialog box will open. Insert the dimensions in the dialog box of the desired square to be drawn.

8 What do the terms Stroke and Fill refer to when drawing an object? Stroke is the outline of an object. Stroke is resizable in the Preview view, but not in the Outline view. Stroke can have color in the Preview view, but not in the Outline view. Stroke weight and stroke color can be removed, leaving only a fill color. Fill is the color inside an object. Fill color can be seen in the Preview view but not in Outline view. Fill color can also be removed leaving only the stroke color

9 What does the icon look like that represents NO COLOR when selecting color for strokes and fills? A rectangle with a large red diagonal across the center.

10 When objects are drawn, they are stacked in the order drawn. The first object drawn is on the bottom of the stack, and the last on the top. What feature in Illustrator allows objects to change order in the stack? The Object menu item known as ARRANGE. An object can be moved upward or downward in the stack. Forward moves an object upward, one stack level at a time. Backward moves it downward, one stack level at a time. Move to front, moves it all the way to the top in one step. Move to back, moves it all the way to the bottom.

11 To duplicate an object, copy and paste will work. However a quicker way is to hold down one key an drag the object to be duplicated. What key will allow you to do that? The ALT key. Holding down the ALT key and dragging an object will duplicate it as long as the mouse button is released first. If the ALT key is released first, the object will just move. Several objects can be similarly duplicated by continuing the operation by hitting Ctrl D, for duplicate, which will duplicate the last action performed. In this case, moving the object a certain distance and direction, and copying at the same time.

12 Objects can be selected several ways. The most common Tools for doing this are in the shape of an arrow. Which arrow shaped tool selects only the anchor points and strokes of an object? The Direct Selection Tool (The white arrow) The White arrow with the Plus sign will select an object within a group. Hence it is known as the Group Selection Tool. How is the Selection Tool different from the other two? It selects everything it touches, even items grouped with the selected object.

13 What file extension does Illustrator place on its documents by default?.ai What about Adobe Flash?.fla What about Microsoft Word?.doc And, Audacity?.aup Window Movie Maker?.wmp

14 What file extension does Illustrator export for use with Adobe Flash?.png Other formats can be used with Flash as well, What about exports for Microsoft Word?.wmf (Windows Metafile)

15 What drawing with the Pen Tool, what three parts will the drawn line have? A straight or curved line Anchor points Handles to control the curve of the line

16 How is a curved line drawn with the Pen Tool? Select the Pen Tool Click to create the first anchor point and drag slightly in the direction you wish the curve to appear. Click again at a second anchor point and drag slightly. Continue the process until the desired line is formed. Final alterations can be made using the Direct Selection Tool.

17 How are straight lines drawn with the Pen Tool? Just click and then click again to form the first straight line. Do not drag. Dragging will create a curved line. Click again to continue the line path. To discontinue the path sequence, either hit escape, right click, close the object, or select another tool.

18 What does CMYK stand for and how is it used? CMYK are abbreviations for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black. These are the colors of toner and ink used in print machines. With these four colors, also known as process colors, the whole range of color can be printed using a technique called screening. Screening involves printing a pattern of very small dots of various colors to fool the eye into believing it sees the various colors in a color spectrum.

19 What does RGB stand for and how is it used? RGB are abbreviations for Red, Green, and Blue. These are the colors of light used in monitor or projector. With these four colors light projected at certain percentages, the whole range of color can be seen as projected images. A pattern of very small dots, or pixels, of the various light colors fools the eye into believing it sees the full spectrum of color.

20 What is Create Outlines and how is it used? Create Outlines is a command in Illustrator that converts text to a graphic to no longer have the attributes of text. It is a technique used for maintaining the entity of a text character for it artistic value. It is also used for to insure that a text character won’t change its appearance if placed into another application, such as Flash or Movie Maker.

21 When scaling an object in Illustrator, the stroke of an object won’t always scale. What practice should be used to insure that stroke scaling does not become an issue when Illustrator files are transferred to other applications? Stroke should be removed from drawn objects. Strokes can be mimicked by converting strokes to fills. – Fills have no problems being scaled in other applications. What feature in Illustrator enables this to happen? – The Expand feature. – It converts strokes to fills.

22 Adobe Flash

23 What is the drawing area in Flash known as? The stage Imported files should be directed to the library to enable multiple use of those objects. Vector objects can be drawn in Flash using its own set of drawing tools.

24 What is the main purpose of the Playhead in Flash? It locates and designates current time on the timeline. In other words, wherever placed on the timeline, is the instance of time in the animation. It appears as a red rectangle with a red line attached that can be moved up and down the timeline manually or automatically. What is the process of moving it manually known as? It is known as Scrubbing.

25 Flash uses symbols to animate. What are the different symbol types and which one is used to make embedded motions such as spinning tires and walking? There are (3) types of symbols: – Graphic – Button – Movie clip Embedded motions, such as walking and rotating tires, are exported as a.swf Movie Clip symbols and then inserted into a scene as an attached motion tween.

26 To create an object transformation with tweens, certain conditions must be met. What conditions are required for both Shape and Motion tweens to occur? The object being tweened must be: on its own layer. on stage as an instance of a symbol.

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