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Presentation of Acceptable Use Policy Kathryn Thomas UMUC EDTC 620 Summer 2012.

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2 Presentation of Acceptable Use Policy Kathryn Thomas UMUC EDTC 620 Summer 2012

3  A policy that a user must agree to abide by  A common practice for businesses and educational facilities  Should required that employees and/or students sign an acceptable use policy prior to being granted access to the internet and other technology (Graves, 2011)  A “written agreement signed by teachers, students and their parents that outlines the terms and conditions of Internet use, rules of online behavior, access privileges and penalties for violations of the policy” (M86 Security, 2010, p. 1) What is an Acceptable Use Policy?

4  Student safety  To filter unwanted content for students  Preserve network bandwidth  Limit expense Why are AUPs important?

5  Acceptable uses of telecommunications  Unacceptable uses of telecommunications  Relate to basic interpersonal etiquette  Computer security  Notification of risks  Disciplinary action that will result in failure to abide by the AUP The Most Important Features of AUPs

6  Harford County Public Schools’ Acceptable Use Policy for Students and Employees: an.pdf Harford County Public Schools’ AUP

7  Published in the district’s Student Attendance, Discipline, Rights and Responsibilities, Transportation Policies and Procedures brochure  Must be signed  Use of computers, e-mail, telephones, fax machines, and other wired or wireless technologies  Failure to adhere to the AUP will result in disciplinary action and/or criminal prosecution HCPS Student AUP

8  Acceptable Uses  Research or educational purposes  Showing respect, being polite, and being responsible  Considering others  Unacceptable Uses  Profane, obscene, pornographic, threatening, or objectionable materials  Using telecommunications for personal use  Installing software  Violating law, rule, or regulation HCPS Student AUP

9  All employees are provided with a copy  Failure to abide by the AUP will result in disciplinary action  Use of computers, e-mail, telephones, fax machines, and other wired or wireless technologies  Employees may not:  Download copyrighted material  Copy copyrighted material  Publish copyrighted material  Download or install systems  Ethical behavior when using school district equipment HCPS Employee AUP

10  Acceptable Uses  School or job related activities  Respect for and taking care of equipment  Laws and property rights  Professionalism  Unacceptable Uses  Profane, obscene, pornographic, threatening, or objectionable materials  Computer viruses  Abusing network storage parameters

11  Should be presented by itself to students and parents  Review the AUP with students in the classroom  Take AUP home to be reviewed with parents  All students should sign the Acceptable Use Policy Suggestions for HCPS Student AUP

12  Visible for frequent referencing and reminding  It should be revisited throughout the year  Teachers and staff should be held responsible for ensuring the policy is followed Suggestions for HCPS Student AUP

13  Employee AUP should be distributed at the beginning of each school year  Make the Employee AUP visible throughout the school year Suggestions for HCPS Employee AUP

14  Reduces the risks associated with the internet  Defines a clear policy  Promotes cooperation among students and employees Benefits of HCPS AUPs

15 Graves, A. (2011, January). Acceptable use policy (aup). Retrieved from M86 Security. (2010). Internet acceptable use policy best practices for K-12. Retrieved from Mitchell, B. (2011). Acceptable use policy - aup. Retrieved from Moore, D., Mayo, J., & Kropkowski, D. (2012). Harford county public schools: Technology plan. Retrieved from References

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