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SEGUNDO RESPASO Talking about responsibilities and complaining.

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Presentation on theme: "SEGUNDO RESPASO Talking about responsibilities and complaining."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEGUNDO RESPASO Talking about responsibilities and complaining

2 Learning Objective I will be able to identify new vocabulary words and correctly use them into sentences and score a 2.7 or higher.

3 Do-Now Imagina que eres millornario. Escribe una carta de cinco frases a un amigo en la que describes un dia tipico en tu vida Non-Native: Use your vocabulary words and translate in spanish: Toothbrush, hair-dryer, to put on cloths, to shave, to comb (one’s hair) to put on makeup

4 Segundo Paso vocabulario Regar- To water El Jardin- The garden Limpiar- To Clean

5 Household chores Tender la cama-To make the bed El cuarto de baño- Bathroom

6 Los quehaceres-Chores Barrer- To sweep El comedor-Dining room

7 Sacudir el polvo-To dust Quitar la mesa-To clear the table El piso- floor

8 Ordenar- To tidy up ¿ A quien le toca?-Whose turn is it? Le toca a………It’s……..turn; It’s up to….. Me toca a mi. – It’s my turn; it’s up to me. Te toca a ti. It’s your turn; It’s up to you

9 Estoy harto/a de….I’m sick and tired of

10 ! Hay que pesado-Oh, what a pain! No es justo. Siempre me toca a mi. It’s not Fair. I always have to do it.

11 ! Hay que pesado- Oh, what a pain! Ya yo lo hice mil veces- I’ve already doneit a thousand times

12 Direct Object Pronouns Lo, la, el, los, las In Spanish, the direct object pronoun you use depends on the gender and number of the noun it replaces. Ex. Saque la basure  El piso esta sucio Direct object pronoun comes before the conjugated verb. The pronoun may also be attached to the infinitive. Ex. La vas a limpiar? ¿Vas a limpiarla?

13 Write 10 sentences using the new vocabulary and make sure you use the direct object pronouns(lo,la,el,las,los) Ex. Yo estoy harto de limpiar el baño

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