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TELL1 readout in RICH test: status report Gianluca Lamanna on behalf of TDAQ Pisa Group (B.Angelucci, C.Avanzini, G.Collazuol, S.Galeotti, G.L., G.Magazzu’,

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Presentation on theme: "TELL1 readout in RICH test: status report Gianluca Lamanna on behalf of TDAQ Pisa Group (B.Angelucci, C.Avanzini, G.Collazuol, S.Galeotti, G.L., G.Magazzu’,"— Presentation transcript:

1 TELL1 readout in RICH test: status report Gianluca Lamanna on behalf of TDAQ Pisa Group (B.Angelucci, C.Avanzini, G.Collazuol, S.Galeotti, G.L., G.Magazzu’, G.Ruggiero, M.Sozzi) SNS & INFN Pisa

2 Installation The installation of the Tell1 readout started 20/5. In the evening everything was mounted One cable with problem substituted with spare In the 21/5 we fight against a tricky (and stupid) problem related to the TDC numbering 9 channels (over 512) has been masked in the labs in Pisa for excessive noise At the end with a clever remapping we menage to have 100% of RICH channels working Problems with new firmware (probably related to induced noise in the clock distribution coupled with critical behaviour in TDC communication protocol): 102x firmware version used at present.

3 Experimental setup Beam RICH NINO boards Blue cables Black cables TELL1 TDCB trigger Clock


5 TELL1 computer network CIVILI NA48LAB2 NA48LAB Server for Tell1 CCPC Acquisition PC CDR interface Online Monitoring PC 4x1 Gb/s Public RICH EE ET 100Mb/s 1Gb/s

6 TELL1 computer network NA48LAB2 PC The data are collected by NA48LAB2 PC: during the spill they are buffered on the RAM (1.5 GB allocated) at the end of the spill the RAM is written on the local disk (500 GB) A daemon continously transfer data to NA48LAB NA48LAB The CDR scripts run on NA48LAB to tranfer data to CC Bottleneck found in the data transfer to CDR: due to the downstairs network infrastracture and the PCs performance na48lab2 -> lxplus 6.0 MB/s na48lab -> lxplus 1.5 MB/s na48daq -> lxplus 2.0 MB/s The na48lab performance is influenced by the hardware characteristics and the CPU load (online monitoring)

7 Cables and connectors The “black cable” connectors are very delicated Missed and noisy channels cured plugged and unplugged connectors Missed and noisy channels appear touching the connectors: peoples visiting the TELL1 for tourism or for work, please avoid to touch the cables!!! No noisy channels observed without human intervention near the cables The connectors (and the cables) will be substituted in the new version of the TDC card

8 102x firmware 111x Due to a problem in the newer firmware (111x) we have to use the old one A small bug could appear in low rate condition losing a word (most probably a timestamp) Fully control of the standard system Algo A, Algo B, Algo C and triggerless mode can be used easily Limitation to the rate: not more than 100-150 kHz (algo A) 111x Attempt to use firmware 111x foreseen in next days: Turbo mode (400-500 kHz), multiplicity histograms generator, bug fixed and additional features

9 Trigger & Burst The trigger is provided to the TELL1 through a TTL signal produced by finger scintillators in front of the RICH The signal is duplicated, converted in positive NIM and recorded in a dedicated channel (0) in the last (F) TDC. At the moment the dead time of the acquisition is 5 us Possibility to run in triggerless mode: internal periodic trigger with readout window equal to the distance between two triggers R/O window The TELL1 needs 1.5 s before the begin of each burst to be properly reset and configurated, and few seconds after the pulse to write data on disk WWE Due this requirements the WWE signal (1 s before the injection) can’t be used to start the burst acquisition ET The ET (of the previous burst) properly delayed (to avoid to collect empty events) is used as start of the burst EE The EE is used as end of burst signals WWE EEETD-ET


11 Online monitor Channel’s words L-T difference Spill TDC errors

12 Online monitor Raw time resolution Channel occupancy Single event time & position Integrated hit position

13 First test results From Antonino’s talk (Francesca’s plot)

14 First test results From Antonino’s talk

15 Disk space problem NA48LAB NA48LAB2 CASTOR 1 MB/s ~1 MB/s ~100 GB ~100 GB disk space ~500 GB ~500 GB disk space NA48LAB2 No interfereance with NA48LAB2 acquisition is mandatory Typical file dimension 150 MB/ burst (@ 20 kHz) NA48LAB Add more space in NA48LAB (USB or internal PATA) NA48LAB2 Copy directly from NA48LAB2 (~6 MB/s) during the night (or the run pause)

16 TELL1 dedicated tests New cables High intensity (<500 kHz) Histogram production on the PP (with 111x firmware)...

17 Conclusions After few small problems the system installation went quite smoothly (two or three days for a fully working system) Problems with network in the area Very incouraging results obtained after one day of data taking by RICH WG Several RICH tests foreseen thanks to the high sustainable rates (ex: 10 energy point scan completed in one day)

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