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Status of report on chapter 6: Warm cryostat mechanical calculation PH-DT Engineering Office, CERN Page 1 CERN, May 20th 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Status of report on chapter 6: Warm cryostat mechanical calculation PH-DT Engineering Office, CERN Page 1 CERN, May 20th 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of report on chapter 6: Warm cryostat mechanical calculation PH-DT Engineering Office, CERN Page 1 CERN, May 20th 2015

2 Status today –6 Warm cryostat mechanical calculation –6.1Relevant safety codes (Olga and Andrea) (feedback Olga for welds?) –6.2Calculation models: –6.2.1Dimensions: –6.2.2Pressure loads and own weight –6.2.3Analytical models (stress, deflection and M,T diagrams) (Andrea and Joao) –6.2.4Global “box” models: to shows that a portal model is well representative (Dimitar ?) –6.2.5Static analysis portal beam model (Andrea) –6.2.6Static and buckling shell portal model (Diego) ongoing: NB: stress linearization ! – 6.2.7Table and Comparison of results above (Andrea and Diego) – 6.3Portal minimal stability calculations (Piet) – 6.4Bolted and welded connections –6.4.1Design of main connections and analytical calculations (Joao) – 6.4.2Models and FEA results of connections (Diego) – 6.4.3Weld analytical calculations (Piet) –6.5EC3 verification – SCIAeng® verification (Joao): ongoing: TBD duration – 6.6Comparison EC3 and ASME global safety factors (who, do we need that?) – 6.7Possible future optimizations –6.7.1Lighter roof, smaller floor, (Piet) –6.7.2Bracings (Dimi, Joao) (needed ?) –6.7.3Thickness of Stainless steel outer membrane (Dimi) (needed ?) Page 2

3 Annexes needed As separate documents, not necessarily in word format but often.pdf: Annex A: Analytical beam models Annex B: Box beam model plots (Dimi) Annex C: beam model plots, plus ANSYS scripts Annex D: beam model verification according to EC3 Annex E: shell model plots, static, buckling Annex F: stability calculations Piet Annex G: calculations of connections Annex H: connection FEA plots Annex I: Global frame structure full EC3 SCIA report Page 3

4 Former Material Page 4

5 Status Baseline: –Solid corner pieces at bottom: splice connection at 3.4 m from bottom (shaft available envelope 3.7 m) –Splice must be able to take moment of 1-2 MN m and Shear of 3 MN (this to cope with possible uncertainties in transition point) –Bolted connection on top (better stability, splice calculated) Bolted connections all calculated (Joao will summarise results) Short side walls: analyses yet to be done –longitudinal force retaining system, bracings –Pinned or M connection at top  see next slides for pinned connection –M connection at bottom  verify transverse connection to floor I beams Behaviour of bottom elements (floor): option to be discussed for the review (Piet) Work ahead: –Final proposal short side walls design –Static and Buckling final results and bracings: add bracing, ignore grid –Full run of SCIAeng EC3 verification –Verification of ASME requirements Pm+Pb < 1.5 S for div 1 and div 2 –Verification of ASME requirements for welds –Verification of ASME requirements for bolts –Seismic calculations (no time for the review) –Material x the review Page 5

6 A note on the moment transition The transition point of M along the vertical beam is highly affected by: –The rotational stiffness of the bottom joint –The position of the bottom support (or contact point) –(The behaviour of the floor beam) The top pressure 20, 120, 350 mbar does not influence the transition point The splice joint (seen these effects) must be capable of taking Moments and Shear with some good safety factors Transition at 1.9 (+0.55) for RotStiff =1250 MN m/rad and at 2.66 (+0.55) for perfect joint stiffness Page 6

7 Baseline: all M connections Page 7 HL1100-607 : beam – joint stiffness calculated and accounted for in FEA

8 Baseline: all M connections Page 8

9 Baseline: all M connections Page 9

10 Baseline: all M connections Page 10

11 Baseline: all M connections Page 11

12 Baseline: all M connections Page 12

13 Top connections pinned Page 13

14 Top connections pinned Page 14

15 Top connections pinned Page 15

16 Top connections pinned Page 16

17 Top connections pinned Page 17

18 Top connections pinned Page 18

19 Top connections pinned Page 19

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