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 Open and copy the Agenda.  Create a new folder in your file: Lesson 5  Today, you will be working on a new assignment. Unfinished assignments should.

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Presentation on theme: " Open and copy the Agenda.  Create a new folder in your file: Lesson 5  Today, you will be working on a new assignment. Unfinished assignments should."— Presentation transcript:

1  Open and copy the Agenda.  Create a new folder in your file: Lesson 5  Today, you will be working on a new assignment. Unfinished assignments should be done before school, during nutrition, or after school. Happy Tuesday!

2 AGENDA – DIGITAL COMPUTER 1A NOV. 1, 2011 –TUESDAY  Competency #4 – Word Processing  Lesson 5 - Helpful Word Features  Lecture/Demonstration  CW #7 - IW Step 5-1 (to be e-mailed to me)

3 OBJECTIVES:  Use AutoFormat As You Type, AutoComplete, and AutoText.  Make corrections using AutoCorrect, automatic spell checking, and automatic grammar checking.  Check the spelling and grammar of a document.

4 HOW TO OPEN YOUR DISTRICT E-MAIL  Go to LA High website.  Click the link LAUSD Home page.  Click Students tab.  Click the link LAUSD Student e-mail.  Click Open  Sign in using your username and password.

5 Continuation:  Click Compose mail.  My e-mail address:  For subject, key the name of the file.  Attach the file you are sending.  Click send.

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