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Geometry 8 April 2013 1) Empty folders. Put papers in proper section of your math binder. 2) Begin Handout.

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2 Geometry 8 April 2013 1) Empty folders. Put papers in proper section of your math binder. 2) Begin Handout.

3 Objective Students will discover shortcuts for determining similarity in similar triangles. Students will take notes, do an investigation and solve problems. Homework DUE Tuesday: Pg. 586: 7 – 15 ODDS Pg. 591: 1 – 15 odds, 20, 21

4 Congruent polygons are polygons that have the same size and the same shape. fact: all Congruent shapes have all corresponding sides and angles congruent.

5 let’s define similar !! Definition: Figures that have exactly same shape are called similar figures. (1) Same numer of sides (2) ALL Corresponding angles are congruent (3) ALL Corresponding sides are proportional Properties:

6 are there triangle shortcuts to determine if two triangles are SIMILAR?? Complete Handout: Inv. 2: Dilations on the Coordinate Plane Renata’s House 11.2 Triangle Similarity- Investigations 1, 2 & 3 Investigation online:

7 NameShortcut AA Similarity Conjecture If 2 angles of one triangle are congruent to 2 angles of another triangle, then the triangles are similar SSS Similarity Conjecture If the 3 sides of one triangle are proportional to the 3 sides of another triangle, then the two triangles are similar SAS Similarity Conjecture If 2 sides of one triangle are proportional to 2 sides of another triangle and the included angles are congruent, then the triangles are similar

8 Are two figures similar? Strategies: 1)Color code corresponding angles and sides 2)Re-sketch figures so corresponding parts are oriented in the same directions 3)Use shortcut if you can AA Similarity, SSS Similarity, SAS Similarity

9 Summary Similarity shortcuts for triangles, like congruence shortcuts, refer to congruence of angles, but unlike congruence shortcuts, the refer to proportionality of sides. SSS, AA (AAA) and SAS are similarity shortcuts, which imply AAS and ASA are also similarity shortcuts because they imply AA.

10 Debrief 1) how do similarity shortcuts compare to congruency shortcuts? same? congruency shortcuts similarity shortcuts

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