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Second Workshop on large TPC for low energy rare event detection, Paris, December 21 st, 2004.

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1 Second Workshop on large TPC for low energy rare event detection, Paris, December 21 st, 2004

2 MUNU is an elastic scattering experiment which probes in particular the neutrino magnetic moment e e e - -  e  e e e T E T m    1 2 2 2 The contribution of the magnetic moment term increases with decreasing neutrino and electron recoil energy In order to study the magnetic moment of neutrino we need a low neutrino energy source and a low electron detection threshold

3  lab =10 13. cm -2. s -1 distance =18m 20 m.w.e e source - nuclear reactor (2800 MWth) Bugey, France E =(0  8 MeV) Neutrinos are mostly produced in the  decay of fission fragments of the four major fuel isotopes : 235 U(54%), 239 Pu(33%), 241 Pu(6%), 238 U(7%)

4 However the low energy part of the reactor neutrino spectrum 0  1.8 MeV has never been measured and it is known only from calculations T (keV) Neutrino/keV/fis REACTOR NEUTRINO SPECTRUM used by MUNU Above 1.8 MeV the neutrino spectrum can be reconstructed from the measured β spectra of the fission fragments

5 The central tracking detector is a 1m 3 Time Projection Chamber L =162 cm  90 cm acrylic vessel 11.4 (3.8) kg CF 4 gas at 3 (1)bar pressure Why do we use CF4? absence of free protons (no ) high density ( 3.7 g /l at 1 bar ) low Z (less multiple scattering )

6 Anti-Compton Detector and Passive Shielding served as active and passive veto against Compton electrons, muons and cosmics 2 x 24 PMT Anti-Compton  reac e-e- steel vessel L =380 cm  = 200 cm 10m 3 liquid scintillator NE235 Anti Compton veto muons and Compton electrons with 99.9 % efficiency Passive shielding 15 cm Pb and 8 cm polyethylene boron to absorb external gammas + neutrons TPC

7 Neutrino candidates are single electrons with clearly distinguishable start and end of tracks (blobs) inside of a fiducial volume (R<42 cm) Neutrino Candidates

8 Visual scanning analysis determines from the Kinematics: incident neutrino energy   Te,  rea ) determines from the fitting :  rea



11 muon proton Examples of background events at 3-bar pressure   -  EM shower

12 500 keV 700 keV Examples of electron events at 3-bar pressure 900 keV1100 keV 1200 keV

13 Forward –Normalized Background Analysis Downward (B) X Y 0° 90° 180° -90°   dre a Backward (B) REACTOR Forward (S+B) E > 0, cos   > 0 E > 0, cos (  -   ) < 0 E   cos  reac > 0 E   cos(  -  reac ) > 0 Normalized Background =(Upward +Downward +Backward)/ 3 Signal = Forward – Normalized Background Upward (B)

14 Results 3-bar Forward –Normalized Background Analysis Energy distributions of the background electrons 66.6 days reactor-on T > 700 keV T Upward Downward Backward Background electrons are 1154 ± 34 in total

15 Energy distributions of the forward (S+B) and normalized background electrons (B), 66.6 d reactor-on T > 700 keV Forward Normalized Background T Forward electrons are 455 ± 21 Normalized Background electrons are 385 ± 11

16 Energy distributions of the forward (B) and normalized background electrons (B), 16.7 days reactor-off Forward electrons are 133 ± 11 Normalized Background electrons are 147 ± 7 T > 700 keV Forward Normalized Background T -0.8 ± 0.8 cpd

17 measured : 1.05 ± 0.36 cpd expected    0  0 ± 0  cpd T e >700 keV T (keV) Counts  = 0  = 9.0 x 10 -11  B 70 events for 66.6 days 1.05 ± 0.36 cpd  < 9.0 x 10 -    (90%CL) Energy distribution of the forward – NB electrons 66.6 d reactor-on T > 700 keV


19 Calibrations with 54 Mn and 137 Cs 54 Mn T(keV) data MC 137 Cs T(keV) data MC

20 R% T (keV) R % (3-bar)R%(1bar) 2002410 400157.6 60011.46.4 100085 TPC energy resolutions at 1-bar and 3-bar 3-bar 1-bar Energy resolution at 1-bar is about 2 times better then that at 3-bar

21 Examples of background events at 1-bar pressure muon  proton EM shower

22 100 keV Examples of electron events at 1-bar pressure 140 keV 190 keV 500 keV 700 keV

23 Results 1-bar Forward –Normalized Background Analysis Energy distributions of the background electrons 5.3 d reactor-on T > 200 keV Upward Downward Backward T Background electrons are 326 ± 18 in total

24 Energy distributions of the forward (S+B) and normalized background electrons (B) 5.3 d reactor-on Forward electrons are 124 ± 11 Normalized Background electrons are 109 ± 6 T Forward Normalized Background T > 200 keV

25 Energy distribution of the forward – NB electrons 5.3 days reactor-on 15 events for 5.3 days above 200 keV 2.89 ± 2.39 cpd measured : 2.89 ± 2.39 cpd expected    0  : 0.49 ± 0  12  cpd T e > 200 keV This is the first measurement of the recoil electron spectrum from e - scattering down to 200 keV T > 200 keV T

26 Present experimental situation Direct measurements of  at reactors UC Irvine group :  reac   x 10 -10  B  CL) Rovno experiment :  reac  x 10 -10    CL) TEXONO experiment :  reac  x 10 -10    CL) Solar neutrino experiments Super Kamiokande experiment :  sol < 1.5 x 10 -10  B (90%CL )  < 1.0 x 10 -10  B (90%CL),PLB 564 (2003) New:  < 9.0 x 10 -11   (90%CL) MUNU experiment

27 The  of the reconstructed peak at 662 keV is 100 keV (15 %) The technology of MUNU could be used for detecting solar neutrinos E  (keV) reconstructed 662 keV photopeak from the Compton scattering of  e -, E  (T e,  e ) E  (keV) Reconstructed 662 keV γ-ray from 137 Cs TPC + AntiCompton Neutrino energy E can be reconstructed from T e,  e Test with 662 keV  -ray from 137 Cs

28 EXO-gas, double beta decay in 136 Xe

29 e -, 232 Th  (E)/E=3.4 % at 1.59 MeV  (E)/E= 2.7 % at 2.48 MeV Gotthard 5 bar xenon  (from cathode), 210 Po ( 238 U chain) quenching (  /e - )=1/6.5  (E)/E=1.1 % at 2.48 MeV ! Energy resolution F=0.19, W=22 eV  (E)/E=0.13 % at 2.48 MeV !

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