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Presentation on theme: "CORPORATE GOVERNANCE TRAINING MODULE 14: SOE’S - COSTING COMMUNITY SERVICE OBLIGATIONS ADB Private Sector Development Initiative Corporate and Financial."— Presentation transcript:

1 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE TRAINING MODULE 14: SOE’S - COSTING COMMUNITY SERVICE OBLIGATIONS ADB Private Sector Development Initiative Corporate and Financial Governance Training Solomon Islands Originally by Dr Judy Taylor

2 Acknowledgments These materials were produced by Dr Judy Taylor from La Trobe University, through the Asian Development Bank’s Pacific Private Sector Development Initiative (PSDI). PSDI is a regional technical assistance facility co- financed by the Asian Development Bank, Australian Aid and the New Zealand Aid Programme. 2

3 Community Service Obligation’s  Objective of costing CSO  Costing of CSO’s  Examples used in these slides are the same as those used by Ministry of Treasury and Finances CSO Policy Document.

4 CSO’s  A CSO is a non-commercial service or product purchased by the government on behalf of the community.  CSO’s are provided by SOE’s  Objective of costing CSO’s is to ensure the efficient and effective delivery of CSO’s and to inform the government of the true cost and benefit of their provision.

5 Costing CSO’s Three methods of costing CSO’s  Long Run Avoidable Costs (LRAC)  Preferred measure of measuring and costing CSO’s  Fully Distributed Cost  Average Cost  If an alternative to LRAC is used to cost the CSO the reasons for this should be listed in their submission or application.

6 LRAC  Includes  All costs associated with the provision of the CSO that would not have been incurred had the SOE not provided the CSO.  It equals the total of all costs, variable, semi variable and fixed  Revenue collected from provision of CSO less costs incurred = Cost of CSO

7 LRAC- an example  Provision of water to islands at same tariff as Honiara $1.80 per ML (non-commercial)  SIWA currently only provides water to Honiara and a few other centres  CSO will be paid as an operational subsidy  Forecasted water demand to new area @ same price as Honiara 10 mega liters  Total water currently applied to Honiara 100 mega litres.

8 LRAC- an example  Costs for SIWA  Direct operating (islands)5  Direct operating costs Honiara50  Overheads 22  Cost of capital Islands20  Cost of capital Honiara100  Return on equity islands2  Return on equity Honiara10

9 LRAC  Not all costs qualify to be included  Included  Direct operating costs (wages, materials)  Direct capital costs (depreciation/amortization non- current assets)  New Overheads incurred to provide CSO  Not included  Allocation of existing overheads to CSO

10 LRAC- an example  Costs for SIWA totalHI  Direct operating (Islands) 55  Direct operating costs Honiara 5050  Overheads 22202  Cost of capital Islands 2020  Cost of capital Honiara 100100  Return on equity islands 2 2  Return on equity Honiara 1010. TOTALS 20918029

11 LRAC- an example  Full cost recovery pricing – allocating overheads  Honiara  total cost $180  total Units supplied to Honiara 100 ML of water  180/100 supplied =$1.80 perML  Islands  Total cost $29  Total units supplied to Islands 10ML of water  29/10 would result in pricing of $2.90  SIWA will make a commercial decision to provide water as $2.9 significantly above $1.80 Honiara price

12 LRAC- an example Actual calculation- not allocating overheads  Direct operating (islands)5  Overheads 0  Cost of capital Islands20  Return on equity islands2 Gross CSO Cost27.0 Less revenue 1.8*1018.0 Net CSO cost 9.0 Cost per unit $.90

13 Fully Distributed Cost  Includes all fixed and variable costs relating to CSO output.  It includes a proportion of common fixed costs and common overheads, usually on a pro-rata basis  Can include an allowance for normal profit, a return on equity.

14 Fully Distributed Cost- an example  Costs for SIWA  Direct operating (islands)5  Direct operating costs Honiara50  Overheads 22  Cost of capital Islands20  Cost of capital Honiara100  Return on equity islands2  Return on equity Honiara10

15 Fully Distributed- an example  Costs for SIWA totalHI  Direct operating (Islands) 55  Direct operating costs Honiara 5050  Overheads 22202  Cost of capital Islands 2020  Cost of capital Honiara 100100  Return on equity islands 2 2  Return on equity Honiara 1010. TOTALS 20918029

16 Fully Distributed Cost- an example  Allocate what we can, then distribute what are common using pro rata basis.  Total water provided 100(Honiara) +10 (islands) =110  Honiara = 100/110 = 91%  Islands = 10/110 = 9%  Overheads = 22  Honiara = 91%* 22 = 20  Islands = 9 %* 22 = 2  Fully distributed cost has increased cost of CSO by $2

17 Fully Distributed Cost Actual calculation- not allocating overheads  Direct operating (islands)5  Overheads 2  Cost of capital Islands20  Return on equity islands2 Gross CSO Cost29.0 Less revenue 1.8*1018.0 Net CSO cost 11.0 Cost per unit1.1

18 Average Cost  The average cost calculates the average cost of the commercial provision of all similar outputs  Total costs/total units produced = average cost  Can include an allowance for normal profit, a return on equity.

19 Average Cost  Costs for SIWA  Direct operating 5+50 55  Overheads 22  Cost of capital Islands 20+100 120  Return on equity 2+1012 Gross cost209 Less revenue 110*180198 Loss 11 Loss Per unit cost 11/110.10 Net CSO 10*.10 1.0

20 Comparison of 3 Cost Methods MethodCosts includedCSO cost per unit LRAV27$.90 Fully distributed Cost29$1.1 Average CostAll/all units$1.0

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