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"The Shift from Public Management to Public Governance" Werner Jann - Brazil, September 2002 Experiences with Public Sector Reform in Europe and Germany:

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Presentation on theme: ""The Shift from Public Management to Public Governance" Werner Jann - Brazil, September 2002 Experiences with Public Sector Reform in Europe and Germany:"— Presentation transcript:

1 "The Shift from Public Management to Public Governance" Werner Jann - Brazil, September 2002 Experiences with Public Sector Reform in Europe and Germany: The Shift from Public Management to Public Governance Werner Jann University of Potsdam Germany

2 "The Shift from Public Management to Public Governance" Werner Jann - Brazil, September 2002 Outline Dominating Discourses in Europe and Germany Shifting Political Themes Underlying Scientific Approaches New Normative Foundations Changing Institutional Arrangements Practical Implications

3 "The Shift from Public Management to Public Governance" Werner Jann - Brazil, September 2002 Some Conceptual Clarifications traditions (institutions, culture, stile) e.g. Rechtsstaat, Common Law, Public Interest discourses (narratives, Leitbilder) e.g. democratic, active, lean, activating... state or bureaucratic, market, participative, flexible, deregulated... government changes (reform, paths, trajectories) e.g. marketizer, modernizer, maintainer...

4 "The Shift from Public Management to Public Governance" Werner Jann - Brazil, September 2002 Dominating Political-Administrative Narratives in Germany democratic state Demokratischer Rechtsstaat – "Democracy" active state Aktiver Staat – "Planning" lean state Schlanker Staat – "Management" activating state Aktivierender Staat – "Governance"

5 "The Shift from Public Management to Public Governance" Werner Jann - Brazil, September 2002 Political Themes Management 90ies Governance 00ies catch phrases New Public Management administration as business anti-bureaucracy lean state civil society social capital enabling state activating state principal problems state bureaucracy management "organized irresponsibility" society fragmentation dependence exclusion

6 "The Shift from Public Management to Public Governance" Werner Jann - Brazil, September 2002 Political Themes Management 90ies Governance 00ies crucial values efficiency, value for money service customer orientation quality social, political and administrative cohesion participation civil engagement local level Dienstleistungskommune service Bürgerkommune participation

7 "The Shift from Public Management to Public Governance" Werner Jann - Brazil, September 2002 Scientific Approaches ManagementGovernance discipline institutional economics managerialism communitarianism radical institutionalism focus single organisation internal control performance orientation privatisation, outsorcing coordination of public and private actors combination of different modes of steering and control network management typical problem incentivesinterdependence coherence

8 "The Shift from Public Management to Public Governance" Werner Jann - Brazil, September 2002 Scientific Approaches ManagementGovernance prefered solution dezentralisation more independence contractual management "let the managers manage" personal development new division of labour between state, market and civil society self-organisation hierarchies, markets and networks central question "getting prices right" "getting incentives right" "appropriate behavior" "getting institutions right"

9 "The Shift from Public Management to Public Governance" Werner Jann - Brazil, September 2002 Normative Foundations traditional government “progressive governance“ catch phrase active state lean state enabling state values economic welfare political freedom social justice solidarity economic vitality participation, civic engagement equal chances social inclusion, cohesion social policy as an example social compensation "hammock" social investment "trampoline"

10 "The Shift from Public Management to Public Governance" Werner Jann - Brazil, September 2002 Normative Foundations traditional government “progressive governance“ citizens voters service consumers clients customers activist and co-producer partner of social co- operation and political negotiation empowerment society addressee of state intervention pluralistic interest mediation corporatist negotiation societal self regulation active civil society

11 "The Shift from Public Management to Public Governance" Werner Jann - Brazil, September 2002 Institutional Arrangements traditional government public governance state centripetal internal and external sovereign source of institutional arrangements horizontal and vertical integration of chains of production centrifugal erosion of traditional domestic and foreign sovereignty one system amongst others plural networks

12 "The Shift from Public Management to Public Governance" Werner Jann - Brazil, September 2002 Institutional Arrangements traditional government public governance articulation and coordination of collective interests parties interest groups parliament state monopoly negotiated patterns of public-private coordination direct participation several public welfare arrangements

13 "The Shift from Public Management to Public Governance" Werner Jann - Brazil, September 2002 Institutional Arrangements traditional government public governance public/private clear distinctionuncertain boundaries input/output clear distinctionmix informal arrangements problematic unimportant accepted important

14 "The Shift from Public Management to Public Governance" Werner Jann - Brazil, September 2002 Practical Implications from Managementto Governance negotiation of shared tasks and costsco-production of services re-organisation of production processes organisation of the interaktion between state, market, civil society and individuals transfer of responsibilitiesshared responsibilities transfer of performance privatisation activation of performane, self help shared obligations

15 "The Shift from Public Management to Public Governance" Werner Jann - Brazil, September 2002 Practical Implications from Managementto Governance contracts (rather short term)co-operation (rather long term) money and competition as incentives and stimulant integration of different modes of steering (market, solidarity, hierarchy...) mostly economic exchangesmore democratic and societal dialoges

16 "The Shift from Public Management to Public Governance" Werner Jann - Brazil, September 2002 Problems of Public Governance? StateMarketCivil Society too much autoritarian state stagnation unequality social darwinism exclusion "Seilschaft" mafia too little external effects crime welfare deficits innovation deficits anomy vandalism neglect

17 "The Shift from Public Management to Public Governance" Werner Jann - Brazil, September 2002 A New Form of Governance? more state less state less politics technocratic solution libertarian solution more politics acitivst solution governance solution?

18 "The Shift from Public Management to Public Governance" Werner Jann - Brazil, September 2002 Thank you very much! Prof. Dr. Werner Jann Chair for Political Science, Administration and Organisation University of Potsdam eMail: Mail: POBox 900 327, D 14439 Potsdam, Germany Tel.: +49/(0)331/ 977- 3241 Fax: +49/(0)331/ 977- 3302

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