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Close Analysis of Kidulthood nxADBlxdcg.

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1 Close Analysis of Kidulthood nxADBlxdcg

2 The trailer of Kidulthood includes many structural conventions. An example of this is the numerous close ups of the main characters in the opening. Another typical convention of Kidulthood’s trailer is the use of slow, dramatic music which increases in pace and tempo as the action in the trailer progresses. As the trailer builds up to reveal problems and events, it also reveals scenes of confrontation in flashes and shows emotions using extreme close ups.

3 The trailer of Kidulthood easily represents that the genre of the films is social realism. The unique selling point of Kidulthood is the extended use of violence and the way in which it can be applied to a number of people’s everyday lives. It is clear from the trailer that the film has a young target audience, of roughly 16-25 year olds. The voiceover is also very typical of the films genre. It is the voices of characters from the film, elaborating on the dramatic events shown on screen.

4 The voiceover of the trailer includes the new of Trifes girlfriend getting pregnant and puts lots of extra emphasis on it as it is a major part in the storyline. It also exaggerates the way in which the characters speak. This could be a clear indication to audiences of the social group and classes involved in this film. When the music pace increases, the spoken dialogue also of the voiceover also gets much more serious and aggressive.

5 The written text on screen is a white font of a black background. It includes credits and the release date of the film. The name of the film is shown at the beginning, as well as at the end of the trailer. This could be to make audiences remember it. This however, is unconventional of most social realism trailers. The spoken language throughout is very aggressive and mostly in a very angry or dramatic tone. This also contributes in assisting the target audience to identify the film and its genre.

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