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Probing the Solar Corona with Radioastronomical Observations Steven R. Spangler.

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Presentation on theme: "Probing the Solar Corona with Radioastronomical Observations Steven R. Spangler."— Presentation transcript:

1 Probing the Solar Corona with Radioastronomical Observations Steven R. Spangler

2 Physics of Faraday Rotation: the cartoon

3 Scope of Talk: Observations of Extragalactic Radio Sources with Radio Interferometers

4 Very Large Array Radio interferometer 27 antennas B or A array Observations taken at 1465 and 1665 MHz

5 Advantages of Interferometric Observations of Extragalactic Radio Sources Simultaneous measurements on a set of lines of sight (pharetra) through the corona Use of “constellations” of radio sources for tomographic-like analyses

6 Plasma Contributions to the Faraday Rotation Integral We need enough observations to sort out various contributions to coronal density and magnetic field

7 New Coronal Faraday Rotation Results from the VLA Project AS764: August, 2003; 2X10 hour sessions on source 3C228 Project AS826: March-April 2005; 4X10 hour sessions (plus reference) for coronal “tomography”

8 Project AS826 o Observations: March 12 March 19 March 28 April 1 May 29 (reference) o 19 sources, 20 lines of sight

9 Measurements in AS826 Reference observation March 12 – reference observation

10 AS826 Preliminary Results SourceRM AverageError 2323-03361.0680.9976 2325-0496.9520.7295 2326-020-2.4180.9832 2328-049-4.1630.65297 2331-015-6.0872.564 2335-015-13.6710.305 2337-025-12.4580.4514 2338-042-4.9930.2619 2351-012 -27.35 0.693 2352-016-24.1751.428 2357-0243.1450.202 0006-0012.2550.207 0023+0455.180.125 0029+052-2.5150.196 0030+0580.5820.685 0034+0131.920.58 0039+0332.2721.27 0039+033-0.9050.79 0041+070-0.3710.613 0046+067 -14.067 1.509

11 How Can Faraday Rotation Observations Probe the Overall Structure of the Coronal Plasma?

12 Global RM Models: How well can synoptic coronal models account for FR Measurements? Mancuso and Spangler 2000 Residuals of ~ 2-3 rad/sq-m

13 Modeling the Observed Rotation Measure






19 AS826: Use of Synoptic Model for Corona These measurements of magnetic field and density at ~ 3R can be used to estimate B and n at greater distances probed by Faraday Rotation

20 Model Calculations (cont) o We will use different theoretical models of the coronal magnetic field to try to reproduce the measured rotation measures. o We will also examine whether the coronal magnetic field at 3.25 R accurately describes the field at 5-10 R.

21 Observed and Model RM Comparison



24 Adjustments to Synoptic Models for Magnetic Field and Plasma Density Product of density and magnetic field must be multiplied by a factor of 24.8 Densities must be multiplied by a factor between 2.2 * and 5 Magnetic field values must be multiplied by factor between 4.4 * and 11

25 Conclusions Simple synoptic models of the corona roughly reproduce “Pharetrae” of Faraday Rotation measurements, but large residuals. Measurements consistent with coronal field of 30-80mG at r=6R. (Paetzold et al 1987) Future observations could more effectively constrain the functional form of the coronal magnetic field. Rotation measure changes substantially on timescales of a few hours; too slow to be turbulence. Thus “Mesoscale Plasma Structures”. Smaller, faster fluctuations attributable to waves seen in spacecraft beacon data. Spatial variations in RM (differential Faraday Rotation) are small; constraints on coronal turbulence are reasonable but not decisive

26 Future Developments EVLA (Expanded VLA): Enormous increase in sensitivity of the VLA, in progress. But only if feed design prevents system temperature increase due to Sun. VLA at 5 GHz: Could make measurements closer to the Sun, observations have more impact.

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